Chapter 3: Jealousy and Anger

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*Still two days after the crash*

Jun's p.o.v.

After we were told that The8's mother or father had to sign the papers, our manager left to go make some calls.

"How long do you think it will take?" The8 asked.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "A week maybe."

"That's awhile." He said quietly.

We sat in silence.

It felt uncomfortable to me but The8 seemed like he liked it so I stayed quiet.

After I few minutes I went to stay something but realized The8 had fallen asleep.

"Cute." I said and sat back in my chair.

I just watched The8 as he slept. He looked so peaceful.

After while the manager came back.

"Shhhh." I said holding a finger up to my lips. "He's asleep."

"Should we wake him?" The manager asked. "His mom wants to talk with him."

I thought for a minute before I nodded.

"Minghao." I said while shaking my by his hip to avoid touching his shoulder.

"Mmmmmm." He mumbled as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Your mom is on the phone and wants to talk with you." I said.

"Oh." He said and quickly sat up and took the phone from the manager.

He held the phone to his ear.


It was silent for awhile.

"Mom, I'm fine don't worry about me." Minghao told his mom.

"I'll take care of him Ms. Xu!" I yelled close to the phone.

The8 shoved me away with his elbow.

"That was Junhui." The8 told his mom. "Mommm. Ag fine."

The8 took the phone away from his ear and clicked for it to go on speaker.

"It's on speaker."The8 said.

"Now, Junhui. I'm going to trust you in taking care of my son until I can get there. Ok?" The8's mom said to me.

"Of course Ms. Xu." I said. "I'll always take care of him."

*Three days after the crash*

For the rest of the day yesterday, I mostly just sat and watched The8 sleep.

It was quite relaxing. I liked it.

I don't know what it was about Minghao, but he made me feel good.

Made me feel like all the holes in myself were filled.

I liked that a lot and it makes me want to keep him as close to me as I can.

Now I have the job to protect him so now I have a reason to keep him near me.

I couldn't be happier.

I woke up and started getting ready because we had to pick up Minghao today.

Well, we also had to pick up Dk but that doesn't matter to me to much.

It may sound mean but I don't care.

I finished getting ready and just sat, playing on my phone, waiting for when we left.

After a bit, we finally left.

I was quiet during the drive to hospital.

When we got there I quickly made me way to The8's room.

The door was open so I just walked in.

"Hi!" I said.

The8 was sitting on his bed in his own clothes with his backpack over his good shoulder.

"Hi." He said. "We're leaving now?"

"Yup!" I said.

The8 jumped off the bed and made his way over to me over by the door.

I noticed the bag was already falling off The8's shoulder a bit.

"Do you want me to take that?" I asked while pointing to the bag.

"Yes please." He said.

I helped him take the bag off and put to on myself.

"Thank you." He said and bowed a bit to me. "It's annoying not being able to move my shoulder."

"I would think. It would get in the way a lot." I said.

"Trust me, it does." The8 said.

When we made it back to the group everyone was asking The8 how he was.

It annoyed me so much. They could have went to his room to check on him but they didn't.

They don't care about him as much as I do.

They're just asking him now so Minghao doesn't know they don't care.

"You ok?" Minghao asked when he came back over to me.

"They're acting like they actually care." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Minghao said. "Of course they care!"

"Then why didn't they come to see you?" I asked rhetorically.

"They were busy." The8 said. "They had there own members to take care of."

"Excuses." I said.

"Stop!" The8 yelled.

Everyone looked at us.

Luckily we were outside now so it was only the members and our manager.

"Why are you acting like this?!" The8 yelled again.

"I don't know ok!" I yelled back.

I was being truthful. I didn't know why I was acting like this.

I just got so jealous and it made me so angry and annoyed when the members were being caring towards him.

"Well, you better figure it out soon because I don't like when you're like this." The8 said and walked away from me.

Dam it!

The8's p.o.v.

He was angry and I don't know why.

Jun is what someone might call a best friend to me.

I didn't like when he was angry, especially when he was angry towards me.

I was standing outside the van.

I felt nervous to get in and now I didn't have Jun because I walked away from him.

"It's going to be fine."

I looked to see Jeonghan beside me.

"I'm nervous." I said truthfully.

"Of course you are." Jeonghan said. "Just don't think to much about it."

I nodded.

"Ready?" S.coups asked from within the van.

"Yup." I said and got in. "Let's just go."

Kind of a crappy ending but I had no clue how to end this chapter.

This is being uploaded early as a birthday gift to AestheticWonwoo so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

I apologize if it is late (I was made to go outside. *hisses like a cat*). It's still the 24th were I live so I good!!

Hope you all enjoy the story!

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