Chapter 19: Missing Home

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Minghao's p.o.v.

5 days.

5 day until my parents arrive.

I've been counting down ever since the manager told us they were coming.

I did see them not that long ago but we had the parentsign thing so I didn't get to spend much time with them.

Now they are going to be with me for a few days and the manager said I'd be allowed to go out somewhere with them.

I just wish that I'd be able to see them at home rather than here.

I haven't been back to China in awhile and I miss it. Korea's great and all but it isn't home for me.


I looked up and Hoshi was standing in front of me.

"We're starting to practice again." Hoshi said and held his hand out for me to grab. "What were you thinking about?"

I took his hand and he pulled me to stand up.

"It's nothing." I said and waved my hand.

"Did Jun do something?" Hoshi asked, getting concerned. "If he did I won't hesitate to beat him up."

I laughed. "No, it has nothing to do with Junnie hyung."

"Then what were you thinking so deeply about?" Hoshi asked.

I shrugged and look at the floor. "Just missing home a bit I guess."

I saw Hoshi nod out of the corner of my eye.

"I understand that a bit but I guess it's worse for you." He said. "Don't forget your family will be here in a few days."

5 days to be exact.

"Yeah, I haven't forgotten hyung." I said and smiled.

"Are we going to start practicing again or what?" Dino asked from where he stood by the speakers, waiting to turn the music on.

"Yup!" Hoshi yelled before he walked to his starting position. "From the top!"

It was a few more hours of practice before Hoshi finally said we could leave.

"Junnie hyung." I whined as we started exiting the stuido.

"What is it?" He asked and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm hungry." I pouted. "Can get food on the way back to the dorm?"

"Sure." Jun said and patted my shoulder. "We'll have to go let S.coups know first."

I just nodded and followed him up to where the hip hop team was working on writing lyrics.

"Coups hyung." I called when we got closer to where they were.

"What do you need?" He asked without even looking up for what he was writing.

"Junnie hyung and I were going to stop and get food on our way back to the dorm, okay?" I said and smiled.

"The performance team is done?" S.coups asked.

I nodded. "Hoshi hyung said we could be done for today."

"Then it's fine." S.coups shrugged. "Anyone else going with you?"

I looked back at Jun and he shrugged.

"I think Hoshi is staying to talk with Woozo about the title song or something but we'll see if Dino wants to go with us." Jun said.

S.coups nodded. "Just text me and let me know if he goes with you or not."

"Do any of you want to come?" I asked the four rappers.

"I think we're all still busy." S.coups said and look at the other hip hop team members.

"I'm done but I'm going to stay and wait for Mingyu." Wonwoo said and I nodded.

"Let's go find Dino then." Jun said and I followed him back down to the practice rooms. "Do you think he's still in the studio?"

I didn't have to answer because as we got downstairs you could Michael Jackson playing loudly from the speakers.

"I guess that answers that question." Jun said as we entered the studio. "Dino-ya!"

Dino stopped dancing and ran to shut the music off.

"What's up?" He asked, beathing a bit heavy from dancing.

"Minghao and I were going to stop and get food on the way back to the dorm." Jun told him. "Want to come?"

Dino shrugged. "Sure. Just like me get my stuff together."

"Alright, we'll wait by the door." I said and pulled Jun with me to the door exiting the building.

"Where do you want to go for food?" Jun asked as we waited. "I'm sure Dino doesn't care."

I shrugged. "I just want some Chinese food."

"Yeah, our parents are coming soon." Jun said, looking out the window and smiling. "I miss home sometimes."

"It's different then here." I said and followed his gaze out the window. He was watching a bird fly outside. "Not that here isn't a nice place."

I saw Jun nod out of the corner of my eye.

It was quite after that for awhile.

Dino came and we all left to get food. It was still quiet. I felt a bit sad after thinking about home and I could tell Jun was too. It was obvious Dino didn't know how to cheer us up.

"I wish I was a bird sometimes." Jun said randomly.

I looked over to him and he was watching a bird again.

"Why do you say that hyung?" Dino asked, obviously wanting to start a conversation.

"Then I could fly home and it wouldn't cost anything." Jun said before sighing, shaking his head, and looking away from the bird. "It's a stupid thing to think about."

"I don't think it's stupid at all." I said and smiled at my boyfriend. "I know you miss China just as much as I do. It's a fine thing to think about things like that. I often think of weird ways to get home too."

"Do you guys ever regret coming to Korea or being a member of Seventeen?" Dino asked, walking slightly ahead of us.

I actually forgot he was with us.

"Of course not." Jun said and laughed. "I might get homesick sometimes but you guys always cheer me up."

"Really?" Dino asked, stopping and looking back at us. "You don't ever wish to go back to China?"

"Not at all." I said. "Even though I was the last member to join, everyone was so nice to me. Now I don't want to do anything else but this with my life."

Dino smiled. "Well that's good."

"Do you ever miss your home Dino?" Jun asked and Dino thought for a moment.

"Sometimes but I know my family is only a days drive away so it doesn't bother me all that much." Dino said and shrugged. "Unlike you guys, I know if something were to happen I would be able to get home quickly."

I just nodded and the three of us continued walking.

"I'm glad I have you here with me." Jun whispered to me so Dino wouldn't hear. "I'd be lonely without you."

I smiled. "Me too."

Better late then never, right...?

This was supposed to be up for New Year's but I end up becoming busy so I wasn't to finish writing.

If you want to know about when I'll be properly ending again you should read the "my weird self" book because I'll be updating that in a few days to let you know the final details before I updating again.

Hope you all enjoy this story!

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