Chapter 2: Hospital trips

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(Barely edited. I rushed. I'll fix later.)

The8's p.o.v.

*One day after the crash*

I was laying in my hospital bed. My shoulder was still really sore. I also can't move it.

At first I didn't want to move it but this morning the doctor had me try and move my arm and I couldn't.

He said it's because I damaged my Brachial Plexus. Whatever that is. He said there is a surgery to fix it and I might have to get it because it usually takes months for people to be able to move their shoulder completely again.

I need my arm and shoulder to dance and we just debut so it's not like we can just take a few months off.

The doctor also said I have to go for an x-ray today because if I have one thing damaged in my shoulder, there is also probably other damage. Which, he said, would be the cause of my pain and probably need surgery.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said thinking it was a nurse or doctor.

The door opened. "Hiii!"

I looked over over and saw Jun. I pushed myself to sit up with my good arm.

"Hi! What are doing here?" I asked, surprised by his presence.

"Well, everyone was coming in to pick up Mingyu and Vernon and our manager said that if people wanted they could stay and visit other people so here I am visiting you." Jun said and smiled warmly at me.

"Pick up?" I questioned. "Are they getting to home already?"

"Yeah. They both only had light concussions so they are able to go home." Jun said.

"What about everyone else? How are they doing?" I asked.

"Seungkwan and Woozi are good. They should be able to go home soon, probably tomorrow. Dk has to stay because he may need surgery on his ear again because the noise of the crash messed up his ear again or something. As for Dino, he was in surgery last night and hasn't woken up yet." Jun said.

He had sounded happy in the beginning but by the end sounded sad.

"He'll be ok?" I said, I meant it to be a statement, but it came out like a question.

"Let's hope." Jun said.

Jun and I spent the next while just talking and joking around.

There was suddenly a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said.

I knew it was the doctor.

"Hi there Minghao." He said as he walked in. "How are you doing? Feeling better?"

"Yes sir, I am feeling better but my shoulder still feels quite sore." I said.

"Alright, well we're going to take to get your x-ray now ok?" The doctor said.

"Can Junnie hyung come?" I asked.

"Of course." The doctor smiled. "Do you want a wheelchair or are fine with walking?"

"I can walk." I said. "It's my arm not my leg."

"Alright. Let's go then." The doctor said.

We went and got the x-rays done and then headed back to my room. The doctor explained that they had to look over the x-rays and decide whether or not I needed surgery.

Once we made it back Jun and I continued to talk and fool around.

Over all it was a good day.

*Two days after the crash*

I didn't sleep well due to my pain. It was also awkward where I couldn't move my arm where I wanted.

The doctor said he has the answers from my x-rays but he was going to wait for my manager to come so they could talk.

Meaning it's not good.

I laid in my bed for I don't know how long, half asleep, when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said.

I opened my eyes and saw our manager, the doctor, and Jun walk in.

"We need to talk about your shoulder Mr. Xu." The doctor said.

"Right." Was all I said.

"Well, to start you already know what the damaged brachial plexus which is causing his shoulder paralysis." The doctor said and we nodded. "He also has a few things we call born spurs."

"What?" I questioned.

"It doesn't matter really what they are just what they do. They will rub on your rotator cuff and cause tears in your tendons, and seeing us you already have tears, we won't want there to be more."

"So what does that mean?" I ask.

"You're definitely going to have to do surgery to fix one of the tears in your rotator cuff. The pain one have now, will be doubled when you start moving your shoulder again, without surgery that is." The doctor said and I shivered. "So while we are doing surgery anyway, we can remove the bone spurs, because that is what is causing you pain right now, and also fix your damaged brachial plexus."

"So after my surgery I can move my shoulder!" I asked, very excited.

"After a few weeks, yes." The doctor said.

"A few weeks?!" The manager spoke for the first time.

"Yes, the tendons and everything need sometime to heal." The doctor said. "Then he will start physical therapy and continue it until he has full shoulder movement again."

"How long will the therapy take?" The manager asked.

"A few months, maybe more." The doctor answered truthfully.

"We don't have that much." The manager said. "These boys just debuted, they just stop."

"He come still dance as long as he didn't move shoulder." The doctor said. "He'll have a brace after the surgery anyway for everyday wear so if he wears it still when prefroming, it shouldn't be a problem."

"This is the fastest way?" The manager asked.

"That I know of." The doctor answered.

"Alright, do the surgery."

"We have one little problem though." The doctor said.

"What is that?" I asked.

"We need a parents approval and signature." He said.

The room was silent.

"That won't be easy." Jun said.

Shorter chapter with nothing happening! Yay!

I'm getting sick and I'm mad. I hate fall allergies so much.

Also, the picture, I'm 17000% done with YouTube. (See what I did there??? I'll stop...)

Hope you all enjoy the story!

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