8: Lets Have Some Fun

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I was pissed, and that was an understatement. I now had to pack and go on the run. Again. I looked around my comfortable apartment and had a realisation.

Maybe it was time to stop running.

Instead of packing and evading the police, I went over to my kitchen and opened my drinks cabinet. I pulled out the most expensive bottle of wine I owned and grabbed a glass. I set them down on the coffee table and went to my bedroom where I retrieved my hard drives and USB's under the bed. I smiled at them. I had taken the precaution of buying fake hard drives and USBs and hiding them in obvious places in the flat. I had encoded them so only I can access them, making it seem as if I have data on them. The code was virtually unbreakable, and only I could decode them.

Of course, they could have fun trying to decode them, but at most they'd gain nothing but a nasty virus.

The real USBs and hard drives contained sensitive information that I didn't particularly want to fall into government hands. Again, loose floorboards were quite handy in this flat. The real hard drives and USBs were in fact hidden near the front door under the carpet. I removed the loose floorboard to reveal a cache of weapons and hard drives.

I removed the data chip from the computer and shoved it under the hard drives under the floorboard and covered it securely with the floorboard, leaving no trace of it ever being disturbed.

No one loiters near a door, therefore no-one would think to look there

I reclined on the sofa, poured myself a large brandy and picked up the current novel I had been reading, which was A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

Naturally, I didn't react when armed men burst through my front door. I didn't react when they all pointed their guns at me. I took a sip of my wine and turned the page.

"Excuse me miss, but you are going to have to come with us," said a large, burly guy who looked like he ate steroids for breakfast. I yawned luxuriously and continued to read.

"We are authorised to take you by force if you fail to comply with our orders." He said monotonously.

"Sorry, but I am disinclined to acquiesce to that request," I murmured, not taking my eyes off the page.

I found myself being roughly manhandled and cuffed.

How rude.

I was frogmarched out of the apartment and out of the apartment complex. I was pushed into the back of a van. Throughout the whole ordeal, I remained silent, offering no resistance. The van was unmarked, which made me curious. The men who had captured me wore no insignia that told me anything about who they worked for. I assumed that it was some special part of the police.

"Careful Frank, she's dangerous," said Mr Steroids to the guy who had a hand firmly on my shoulder throughout the journey.

"Ooh did you hear that? I'm dangerous," I said excitedly to the guy named Frank.

"Keep quiet you psycho" he hissed in my ear. His breath stank.

"Oh, the voices don't like you," I exclaimed sadly. I saw his pale face and began cracking up.

"Chill dude, I'm only joking. I'm not crazy... Much." I grinned, enjoying the discomfort on his face.

"Well, you aren't very professional," I scolded.

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