37: Black Lotus, Withering

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Being unconscious had its benefits.

For one, you couldn't feel, see, or hear, anything around you.

Regaining consciousness brought with it its peculiar wave of pain. I knew that the pain had been there, but now that I was awake it demanded my attention.

Beyond the sharp stabbing pain in my head, as well as the soreness throughout my body, Blinking profusely to rid my eyes of their blurriness, I squinted as I scanned the dimly lit space. I remembered Zhi Zhu had appeared at Baker Street. Everything after was black.

My temple throbbed from the blow, turning my vision hazy.

It looked like I was in some sort of tunnel; a dark cavernous space with the light from the few lamps scattered lazily throughout the tunnel. The dim glow was enough for me to just make out long metal grooves in the floor – old tram tracks.

This must be the tramway from the cypher. The realisation proved helpful; if Sherlock figured out the cypher he may be able to track us down.

That is if he figured it out in time.

Flexing my wrists, I tested the restraints binding me to a chair. On my right, John was still unconscious, dried blood caked at his temple as his head drooped to his chest. The ropes binding him were the only thing preventing him from falling to the ground.

Sarah was also tied up and gagged beside him, her quiet whimpering interrupting the silence which filled the air.

I cracked my neck before rolling my shoulders in an attempt to lessen the ache in my body.

Assess the situation first, then let's go from there.


Judging by the condition of my body, they must have dragged me here.

"For god's sake, will you please shut up! I can't hear myself think over here," I snapped towards Sarah. Her whimpers cut off, her eyes wide and frightened.

I tested the ropes, flexing my arms slightly. I was no escape artist, and the remnants of whatever drug I inhaled made my mind foggy.

It was then that I noticed three other people present – three members of the Black Lotus, two men and a woman.

The woman stood in between them, dressed in her signature long black coat and dark glasses. I smirked.

"Long time no see, bitch."

General Shan smiled at me.

"It's good to see you too, Nightshade." Her words dripped venom.

"You still mad about what happened back then?" I sneered, quite at ease despite the circumstances. John was still unconscious, and Sarah was no threat to my identity.

I could always silence her if she let anything slip. But then again, she was probably too terrified to even understand what was going on around her.

"I know all about your activities, Shan. James Moriarty gave you safe passage into London and you've already blown it. Killing Lukis and Van Coon made things messy." I cocked my head.

"Killing them is a bit counterproductive, don't you think?"

General Shan's lips thinned as she looked down on me coldly. The smirk on my face didn't waver.

"But then again, you were never the brightest crayon in the box, were you?"

That comment earnt me a sharp slap across the face, a faint metallic taste filling my mouth. I'd accidentally bitten the inside of my cheek.

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