36: Double Date

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After Soo-Lin Yao's death, John and Sherlock were reasonably frustrated by Scotland Yard's lack of progress with the case. After meeting up with Sherlock in the museum, we both went back to the room where John had already discovered Soo-Lin's body.

A single black origami lotus lay in the palm of her outstretched hand. As if mocking their efforts which had been in vain.

A few hours later, at the morgue:

"The corpses must have the same tattoos," I reasoned, not bothering to hide my amusement as I watched as Sherlock worked his charm on the poor unsuspecting Molly Hooper.

She really should have had better taste in men. After all, Sherlock was a walking case study on how not to be a human being. The thought of him in a romantic relationship was bizarre.

Molly took us to the morgue, her ears slightly pink after whatever Sherlock had said to her. She pushed the grey door open, where a young man was sitting and doing some paperwork. He looked up when we entered.

He was fairly good-looking, his hair slightly longer than the average haircut, making him look younger than he probably was. He looked rather nervous, as if he wasn't used to being around so many people all at once.

"Hello, you're new!" I grinned at the pathologist. He looked a few years older than me, nothing particularly striking about his appearance. Six foot one, black hair, brown eyes, reasonably attractive. His eyes darted over to Molly, as if wanting an explanation for the intrusion and our presence. Molly smiled back reassuringly.

"Sherlock, Alex, I'd like you to meet Jonathan Slade. He started working here last week."

The man called Jonathan smiled at us hesitantly. I noticed Sherlock scanning him and I rolled my eyes.

He opened his mouth, no doubt to reveal every detail about the poor man's life. I kicked his ankle.

"What was that for!" Sherlock hissed as he hopped lightly on one foot, clutching his ankle in pain.

"I've decided to do a little Pavlov experiment on you. Every time you are about to expose someone's life unprovoked, I'm going to kick you. So in the future when you find yourself doing it again, you are going to pause and remember the pain in your ankle. Then you're going to remember to keep your mouth shut."

Jonathan Slade looked at us both, unsure as to what to make of this bizarre situation.

"Jonathan, could you pull out Edward Van Coon and Brian Lukis's bodies; they'd both like to examine them," Molly asked rather meekly. Jonathan frowned, pulling out a folder and checking their names.

"But they've both been processed, paperwork and everything," he said in a melodic voice, his voice deeper than I had expected it to be. He sounded confused and unsure as to what he should do.

"Do us this one favour? Please?" I asked mustering up the best puppy eyes I could do, my gaze locking onto his.

Well, it worked. Jonathan blushed and nodded.

"Um... sure."

"Thanks, Johnny!" Jonathan coughed, avoiding my gaze as he walked rather quickly out of the room, with us following behind him.

Soon Sherlock and I stood in front of Van Coon and Lukis's bodies, and sure enough, their feet both had the same lotus tattoo as Soo-Lin Yao.

"So they were both members of the gang, and got killed because one of them stole something, but I'm assuming they couldn't figure out which one it was and killed them both." My reasoning made perfect sense. It was the most likely possibility.

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