5: Tokyo Trail

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4 years later

Xu Maoshieng

"Psst Irene!" I hissed into my comms system, crouching carefully outside a window of a large mansion, tucking my long dark brown hair into a black beanie. I peered inside to get a glimpse of her.

Irene Adler sauntered into the room, wearing a low cut velvet dress that left little to the imagination. But knowing her, that's probably what she intended.

She walked over to the window and flipped the bars over it to allow me in. as agile as a cat, I slipped in silently.

"What exactly were you doing?" I hissed, rounding on Irene. "I've been waiting for nearly an hour!"

"Don't worry, Xu is somewhat occupied at the moment, so you have enough time to set up," she said. that still didn't change the fact that she was late.

"Oh, so you are on a first-name basis with him then," I said, annoyed at her apparent lack of work.

"His last name is hard to pronounce, so yes, I am," she replied.

"And what exactly were you doing all this time?" I asked.

"Not much. After all, all I did was seduce Xu into letting me into his inner circle, disabled the security systems surrounding the house and grounds to prevent you from being caught, as well as spiking the drinks of the government officials he was with," she purred, reaching to stroke my cheek. I batted her hand away.

Irene straightened up, and we both smiled at each other. Irene looks younger when she smiles. If people look at us, they wouldn't think that we were in our mid-twenties, I thought to myself.

I'd guess we were friends. We had been on countless missions like this. And as a result, we had developed a comfortable relationship over the space of these last 4 years. Although we did aggravate each other.

"You have 15 minutes before I separate Xu from his security detail and send him into this room, so you'd better hurry and set up," she said.

"But how will you get out?" I asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me, I have a car waiting outside. The guard will let me out, after all, I know what he likes." I rolled my eyes at that but nodded.

"Ok then, see you at the safe house," I said as Irene began to leave the room. She smiled and flashed me a barely-there grin.

I looked around the room and after a few seconds of thought, I grabbed an ornate leather chair from the corner and placed it in the centre of the room. I placed packs of C4 explosives around the room. I had already equipped the rest of the house with enough explosives to leave a streaming crater, courtesy of Mr James Moriarty.

Xu had gotten on the bad side of Moriarty, and I felt a shred of satisfaction knowing that his death was imminent. He was too cocky, too confident, and as we all know, confidence can get you killed. Xu was about to learn this the hard way.

I worked my way around the room, setting up the computer and placing it on a table in front of the chair and I waited.

Exactly 8 minutes later I heard voices coming from down the hall, one of whom was Irene's. I heard a breathy laugh from Irene and I saw the door creak open. I lurched into action. Xu was unconscious before he even hit the ground.

I dragged him over to the chair with ease, considering he was a 12 stone man.

After securely tying him up in the chair and gagging him, I skyped Moriarty.

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