~Chapter Thirty Nine~

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I felt like I sat in the alleyway forever. "B-Batter.. just go back to the lodging house.. I'll be there." I finally managed to say. Batter nods and slowly leaves.

I took a piece of glass. My wrists itched so bad, but I can't cut. I'm not going to. I looked at my tattered reflection. I looked so different already. I remembered when I used to be so happy and giddy. All I could do was smile and laugh.

But now I'm in a dark alleyway. Crying and broken. Shattered into millions of pieces. Feeling so worthless.

Suddenly I heard something that made my stomach churn. My breathing stopped and I froze. "RACETRACK!! RACE WHERE ARE YOU!!" Mush. Blink. Crutchy. Jack. I heard them yelling my Newsie nickname. I hid inside a crate and closed the top. I curled into a ball again and hoped they wouldn't find me. "Guys, lets check in here." I hear Blink say. Those familiar voices caused my stomach to feel so hollow and empty. "Let's take a break." I hear Crutchy say. I can feel someone's back slide on the outside of the crate. I don't dare move. I don't even dare breath. "Anybody else feel bad foah Spot." I hear Mush say. "Yea.." everyone whispered. "I almost caught him jumping off the roof last night.." Jack said quietly. I break even more. I feel like a puddle of goo. I can't think right. I just..

"I won't let him do it. We's all keeping our eyes on him." Crutchy says. You can practically hear them nodding. "He won't stop drinking. He's always so drunk but he's not violent. Just always crying and hurting." Blink says. "I didn't think he loved Race this much." Mush says. I just wanted to jump out the crate and say DON'T CALL ME RACE. But I know I can't. I can't even move.

"You don't think he's dead.. do you?" Crutchy says with a sad crack in his voice. "I know Race. He would never kill himself." Mush says. "Why would he even be in Queens? Let's go check with the Queens Newsies. See if they know anything." Jack says. I stiffen even more. Batter better be a good liar.

~Third Person POV~

Jack, Crutchy, Mush and Blink knocked on the Queens lodging house door. Batter opened up and staggered back, falling on the floor. "What? Not surprised ta see your old buddy?" Jack says. Batter gets up and brushes himself off. "S-Sorry.. im just really surprised. So, what ya around he-ah for?" Batter says, trying to hide his fear. "Have youse seen a guy who calls himself Racetrack?" Mush asks. Batter just gulps and stays silent. "Black hair, Italian lookin, short stature.. ring a bell?" Crutchy chimes in.
"N-No, sorry... I'se will be onna look out foah him.." Batter says with a slightly shaky, quiet voice. "Thanks.." Crutchy says, sounding like he's losing hope. Batter just slowly nods and closes the door.



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