Chapter 5: Yuna

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"Are you sure we are going the right way Woman?" I ask with irritation starting to creep into my voice.

The two of us have been flying over the Yanzan Desert for about half an hour now. I glance over to my left and notice how Bulma is peering into the radar once more.

I grab another bag of chips from the front compartment, immediately digging into the crunchy creations. I munch on my cheesy chips loudly while Bulma resets the radar.

She groans when the same exact location appears again. "This is bullshit! We are hovering over exactly where the two dragonballs should be!"

After swallowing the last set of chips, I quickly down some water and turn to Bulma with a smirk on my face.

"Maybe you need to make a better radar. Or you just don't know how to read maps."

She punches my arm in response. "Screw you! Do you realize that you are talking to the Bulma Briefs!?"

I explode in brief laughter as I throw an arm around her dainty shoulders. Deciding to ignore her question, I begin to speak.

"Well Woman, I never had sex in an aircraft over a desert before. I am always up for something new."

Bulma merely turns to me with a scowl on her face. "First of all, eww. Second, we need to be serious here. I don't see any sign that could lead us to the dragonballs. The only thing beneath us is just sand!"

"You're no fun," I breathe out. I extend my arm toward her with an open palm.

"Let me see the radar. You've been looking at that thing for far too long now."

Bulma reluctantly hands me the device. I reset the gadget and use the buttons to zoom in. The dragonballs still exhibit that they are both right underneath us.

I fly out of my seat so that I could have a better look at the terrain below. It remains the same, nothing but sand and maybe a cactus here and there.

After studying the desert for another minute, I move closer to the Woman who is now looking at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"What are you thinking of?" she questions.

"We should land on the surface and see if it is concealed somewhere within the sand."

Bulma's body displays nothing except for dejection. "Damn. Looking for those balls could take forever. I didn't bring any tools with me today."

I hand the radar back to her. "Let's just see if there are any clues first. We could always go back and recuperate if we still cannot find anything."

She tiredly nods, and we both fly toward the surface with ease. Bulma places her aircraft back into a capsule while holding onto the radar.

We both check the screen, and there has been a sudden change as the orange icons appear to be slightly larger than before.

Bulma shows off her pearly white smile. "Oh my god! You're a genius Vegeta! They have to be right under the sand then!"

"The Prince knows that there is always a way. You should stand back. I'm going to blast a hole into the earth."

She immediately complies, and I gather up some energy in my hand before releasing it all in one beam directed toward the sand.

The sand nearby is all expelled outwards, and I glance apologetically at Bulma who flinches from the impact. Once all of the sand is cleared, a giant dark hole in front of me reveals itself.

Bulma trots over to me excitedly as she also peers down at our lead. "Nice! Good job Vegeta! Now we will have the dragonballs in no time!"

I smirk happily at the Woman who had praised me. She takes a step closer to the edge of the opening; however, the land underneath her feet easily crumbles. Bulma lets out a scream before her body ends up falling into the hole.

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