Chapter 30

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Blake's POV

I was a total mess. I called Elizabeth once again but she just didn't answer. She didn't even called back or wrote back once. Is it so hard to take your phone and type some words?!

I was getting worried. I haven't sleep for days now because of my father and Elizabeth isn't it making better at all.

I'm now here in school walking down the now empty hallway. The bell already rang but I didn't feel like going to class so yeah now I'm late.

I was only a few steps away from my class when my phone started ringing. Without looking at the ID I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked tired.

"Blake?" I heard a voice which I missed for days now.

"Lizy? Damn it, where have you been? Do you know how worried I am?!" I asked as I run a hand throw my hair.

"I'm really sorry. So much happened in the past few days." she said and sighed again.

"I heard the incident with you and Victoria. What the fuck happened? And why didn't you call me even once?" I asked sounding a bit pissed.

I wasn't mad at her but she could have called or write once saying that she was fine or anything telling me that she was still alive, damn it.

"I'm sorry, I will explain to you everything, I promise. Come over to my house in one hour." she said.

"Okay, see you then." I answered and hung up.

I let out a frustrating sigh before I made my way to class again. I slammed the door open and everyone's eyes landed on me.

The teacher of course didn't give a fuck. He's been used to me coming in late and they don't dare arguing with me.

I sat on the far corner of the classroom and leaned against my seat. Everyone were still staring at me and I got pissed.

"What the fuck are you guys looking at?" I asked angry.

They all immediately turned around and looked back at the board.

After this I have to go to Elizabeth's. I hope this is worth my time.

After the bell rung I stood up and went straight to my motorcycle. I was about to drive away when Chase came to me.

"You're also going to Elizabeth's?" he asked.

I only nodded.

"She said we have to come too. I thing her two best friends are also coming." Chase said looking at Alice and Rose who were getting in a car with Drake and Zack.

I only nodded again not in the mood to speak and drove away. Few seconds later they were right behind me.

As we arrived, no one spoke at all which is strange but I shrugged it off.
I rung the doorbell and few seconds later Mr. Conner opened the door with a blank face.

He gestured to us to come in and Mrs. Conner came out from the living room giving us a small smile.

Jake came down from the stairs staring at us.

"Come on. Elizabeth is waiting for you guys." he said and leaded us to her room.

I don't know why but it wasn't as lively as usually. Her parents didn't really looked all happy today. Even Jake. He also seemed in deep thoughts.

Everyone behind me were silent not daring to talk.

What the fuck is wrong with everyone?

Until The Very EndWhere stories live. Discover now