Chapter 15

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Elizabeth's POV

Do you know those moments when you think about pulling away, run out of the house, take a taxi to the airport and take the next flight to some other country but then you remember that you're broke? No? Well I have those moments and I have one right now.

I looked at every thing that looked more interest than his eyes on me but that didn't help because his eyes are telling me to answer his question.

Think Elizabeth, think!

"Those are....allergy pills." I said nervously.

He looked at me confused.

"Why do you need those? As far as I know you don't have any allergies. You were perfectly healthy."

"Well people change after 10 years." I snapped.

I know I don't have the right to say this but he is the one who changed the most of us. I can't be the only reason why he turned to an asshole.

I pulled my hand away from him and put on my necklace which failed. I've never been talented in putting on a necklace on my own. Even with my bra I have a problem putting it on. I always need 3 - 6 minutes to put it on.
I know, I'm stupid but I can't help it.

After a few minutes of failing I was about to give up and just put it in my pocket when I suddenly felt hands on mine.

"Let go. I will do it for you. You were always too untalented for this." he said.

Even thought I couldn't see his face, I knew that he was slightly amused at my actions.

"Not always. I've learned how to do it probably." I lied.

"Yeah, in your dreams." he said and chuckled lightly.

"Yeah says the one who couldn't put on his shoes right." I said back.

"But that was only because my feet were too big for my shoes back then!" he protested amused.

"Yeah yeah, keep saying that to yourself. We both know that you just couldn't open those zippers on your winter boots." I said and laughed a bit.

"It got stuck in my socks!"

I laughed even more not realising that I'm speaking to him normally now.

"So finish." he said.

"Wow it took you about 3 minutes to put it on." I said and laughed lightly.

"Your necklace is just too small."

"Your fingers are just too big." I said back.


I laughed even more and made my way out of his bathroom. Everything is really good right now and I didn't want to ruin it by staying here because I know as soon as he realises what I did again 10 years ago, he will get back to his asshole side.

I stopped midway to the door and turned around to see him leaning against the door frame. Seemed like he was on deep thoughts because he kept staring at something without blinking once.

"Well see you and thank you again." I said and turned around leaving his room.

To be honest I'm stood outside of his room hoping for him to follow me.

However, he didn't.

I was sad and just left his house without saying bye to Mrs. Anderson. I know it's rude but my tears were about to come out and I don't need her to see me like this.

I dashed home ignoring the pain in my chest as I arrived. I immediately went up to my room and layed down on my bed until I fell asleep.


Until The Very EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora