this will be interesting

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thank for the reads, i would love if we could get the total amount of reads to 400 before the next upload, i know other stories say a hundred or three hundred for each chapter or something but i still appriciate the number of reads you guys are giving me.


it gets really interesting




song: natural life - breaking benjamin

chapter 13

this will be interesting

When the bell rang I jumped awake, alert and cautious, it was only when I heard the laughter of students that I realised it was the end of the day. I grabbed my stuff, leaving my guitar in the schools music room and running quickly through school hoping that no one would see me. once I got out of the school premises, I went straight to the forest walking through it, I realised that sooner or later that I wasn't walking of my own accord strangely enough, I was feeling a pull to one particular location, it wasn't until I saw a figure standing in the centre of an unfamiliar clearing that I knew I was in deep trouble.

"How nice of you to join me Lolita" I heard the guy I met with the two wolves say and I stiffened.

I continued walking until he stepped out of the shadows, and I felt the hold on me release. I sagged a bit and sighed.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him narrowing my eyes as he looked me up and down.

"Well dear child I brought you hear because I yet again have information that you may want to know" he cocked a brow high and taunted me with his words, his lips pinching into a straight firm line.

"The last time you told me something important, I forgot it, until I picked up a couple of hairs from your two wolf buddies, was it you who made me forget?" I asked him and he just laughed

"no silly child, I can do no such being under this sort of atmosphere and all but, I did get someone to block your memory for the time being because I knew you would tell your dear friend Emily was it?" he tapped his chin that held small amounts of stubble on it while smirking, I felt my blood boil.

"Have you been stalking me?"

"Stalking no, watching over you, yes"

"But why?" I asked again getting agitated that no one was giving me answers.

"Have you forgotten already why I gave you the necklace, young one, it's for protection. So let me ask you one thing, did your dream feel real?" I froze my blood slowly and painfully running cold, he couldn't possibly know, could he?

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, making it seem like I couldn't remember.

"Oh come, young one, I know you remember that dream the one with the wolves hunting down that young boy who was from the cinema yes?"

"Have you been stalking me before we even met?!" I nearly exclaimed and he narrowed his slightly.

"I said I have been watching over you, and of course I have to keep tabs on you to make sure you are safe, but you didn't answer my question, the boy from the cinema it was him?" I didn't believe any of this; maybe he was pulling my strings like a puppet.

"I'm leaving this Is getting too weird for me" I say, waving my hand dismissively as I turned around, but before I could walk anyway I was stopped by a dark brown wolf who seemed like he was smirking at me.

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