shit was about to go down

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Gahhhhhh we're number #589. Its alright, considering I only have four chapters. But we could do so much better, c'mon guys just move your mouse and click that cute little orange button on the left hand side, see its that easy and I might give you a cupcake too. And dedicate my next chappy to you.

But either way whether my story goes rising to the top or plummeting down to the earth below, I'll still love you guys for reading my story.

Right I have an issue with tlking to long, let the story commence,

(Hint: trust me the story gets more intense steadily, I just wanted to slow it down cuz to many times people have told me I move to fast, so now I'm taking it slow)


Song: angels - owl city (yeah its a cheesy song but I love it)

Chapter 4

Shit was about to go down

When I woke up the sun was breaching its way through my bedroom curtains though it was still only night. I checked the clock beside my bed: 5:32 great, I woke up early.

I got up and made myself have a hot shower though the cuts on my back protested, I had to take one anyway. I washed my hair and body and immediately jumped out, the pain almost unbearable.

I dried off and consulted my walk in wardrobe on what to wear for today.

By the time I was finished it was 6 o'clock and I was wearing a black jumper and black trousers, grey converses and my hair was up in a tight pony tail. I didn't use make-up because I thought that made people look fake, example, the populars.

I walked downstairs silently and peered into the kitchen and the front room, making sure my parents weren't there before I made myself bacon and eggs and taking it into the front room where I could eat, watching the news they had reports of more attacks around the Farling wood area. Wolf attacks, it didn't make me freeze up or peer at the TV any closer because I knew that nothing had happened to me, so there was no point in me trying to suss out what was happening.

"Lolita how're you this morning" I heard a gentle voice come from the door, and I looked up to see Gloria smiling at me softly before taking her seat beside me.

"I'm fine, nothing more than the usual was done, I'll still be going to school" she sighed.

"Ok good, it seems like you made yourself breakfast so you don't mind if I go quickly and make my own?" I shook my head.

"Nope you can join me as well, I think I made too much bacon" I moaned and she chuckled at me, while moving out of the front room.

Gloria was like an aunty to me, or so she said, when I was younger I used to call her aunty Gloria, she said she had started to work for us when I was 4 and my parents didn't want to look after me all the time anymore, so they hired her and ever since then she became a sister, mother, father and an aunty to me. And though we have our arguments she's always caring for me which I deeply appreciate of course.

She was the one who taught me how to ride my bike, or to swing by myself on the swings, or how to do the monkey bars, all that stuff that young kids learn from their parents I learnt from her. She was kind gentle in every way and though sometimes she could be a bit pushy I didn't mind, we all had our flaws right?

Five minutes later she came in, and we spoke about school and how my grades were, even though she knew they were all A and nothing lower. We were so happy until...

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