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Cade's P.O.V.

I see the money that Mrs Harper sent into my account. In her mind, we've been dating for three weeks... twenty-one days. That means I just have to date Kaia for seventy-nine more days. I'm not sure if Kaia thinks we're dating now, but whatever happened in our date, we are dating. I think back to her kissing me and I couldn't help but smile.

When she kissed me, I was shocked. I thought she must've hit her head or something, but she actually has feelings for me. I thought she'd never have feelings for me, despite of all the things I done to try convince her that she does. It's the first day of school since Kaia agreed to be my girlfriend, despite that we aren't the full definition of dating. She still denies that we're dating. Who wants to be dating without any of the benefits? This is going to be so boring. But at least she agreed. I can't believe she actually likes me enough to date me. Well, who am I kidding? Of course she'd like me. I'm charming, handsome and a bad boy. I'm irresistible.

When I got home from our date, I messaged Kaia saying 'night'. That's what girls like, I think. To know that the guy is always thinking about them for twenty-four seven, like some love-struck moron who doesn't have a brain or life to think about anything else. They want to be thought as though they are the only person, thing, in this world that actually exist. That's what I gathered from the girls I sort of dated at this school.

I even went as far to call her on Sunday. We talked for one hour and the only reason why we hung up was because Kieran entered her room, asking who's she talking to. I think she likes it that I'm calling her, to feel as though she is the only thing in my mind. Girl's need to stop thinking that this is romantic. But at least it's easy to do. Now, I just have to continue to play my part as the love-struck idiot boyfriend at school until the one-hundred days are up.

At first, I didn't know how to be the love-struck idiot boyfriend. I don't really date girls, never had the time too. I did spend time with some and lead them to believe I wanted them to be my girlfriend but I was never their boyfriend. I never liked how they constantly asked where I am and who I was with. Once those girls start wanting to pry into my life as if they have every right to, I leave them. It's like they think that dating means merging our life into one. Isn't that supposed to be marriage? So, the only way to get myself to think and act like an idiot, love struck boyfriend, was to wonder what Ashton would do.

I tighten the tie around my neck, grabbing my bag and head downstairs to the kitchen.

Dad's at the doorway with mom. He's about to leave. I didn't want to deal with him right now. I ignore him and head towards the kitchen. "Alright, don't forget that tonight we're having dinner with the Harpers," dad states. I freeze.

"Yes, honey. I remember, now go. You're already late," Mom says. She pecks him before he leaves. Mom turns and she sees me, "Oh Cade, are you going to leave now too?" she asks.

I ignore her question, "We're having dinner at Mr and Mrs Harper's house tonight?" I ask, feeling slightly excited that I'd be seeing Kaia again. It'd be perfect, I can get everyone in her family know that we're dating now. There's no way she can deny our relationship if her mom knows that we're dating.

"Oh, no, not at their house. At a restaurant. It's Mary's children's birthday today," she says.

"It's Kaia's birthday?"

She nods, "Yes. So, make sure you come home immediately after school today. We will be leaving once your dad gets back home," she tells me.

"Um, okay."

It's Kaia's birthday? I remember that she stated that her birthday was coming soon when she was making up excuses to her mom about our date. Dammit, does that mean I have to get something for her?

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