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The rain hit my body as I ran from my car to my apartment. So far, my birthday has been pretty shitty. It's raining, no one has acknowledged today I was born twenty-three years ago, and I got a drink thrown at me at work.

The best part so far was this morning when Genesis and Maverick surprised me. Aunt Suzanne drove them to the apartment complex and they made breakfast for me. The pancakes were partially burnt but they were still good because I ate them with Maverick and Genesis.

I walked up the stairs to my apartment and opened the door; being only there's an hour left for my birthday, I opened the door to see a dark room. I felt like beating down Leo and Alisa's door screaming about how they didn't even know it was my birthday, but I held myself back.

I walked into my room and turned on the light grumbling about how awful my day has been. I was walking into my bathroom when I heard breathing.

I slowly turned on my heel expecting to see a monster coming to kill me and take away my pain. But I only saw Matty hiding under my sheets with his chocolate curls peeking out.

"Matty?" I asked.

Matty's eyes peeked out from under my blanket and I watched as he smiled. "Happy birthday, I forgot to tell you before work. I have a gift for you up in my apartment," Matty smiled.

"Really?" I faintly smiled.

"Yeah," Matty nodded. "Leo and Alisa are out, they let me in before they left... they forgot. You seem pretty happy."

"You're arrival has been the best thing to happen so far," I admitted. "I've had a shit day."

Matty sat up in my bed, holding his arms out so I could hug him. I looked down at my shirt and showed him the giant stain. "You don't want vodka ruining your shirt," I sighed.

"I don't give a shit!" Matty laughed. "Come here!"

I took a step towards Matty and he wrapped me in his warm embrace. "Happy birthday," he whispered. "I'm sorry about everything."

I wrapped my arms around Matty's neck, hiding my face in his shoulder. "I'm so tired," I mumbled.

"Well, you can sleep after you see my gift. Now go change into something comfy and not vodka-stained," Matty instructed.

I changed into one of Matty's shirts and his sweatpants as well. I put my hair in a messy bun and took off all of my makeup.

I walked out of the bathroom and Matty wrapped his arm around me. I leaned on his shoulder as we left my apartment.

Matty opened the door to his apartment and I saw all of the boys smiling holding gifts. "Surprise!" Adam yelled. "Happy birthday, Sari!"

"No! You guys!" I exclaimed, putting my hands on my cheeks. "Really?"

"Really! Now go see your cake!" George cheered.

I walked around the corner with the guys to see my birthday cake sitting on the counter; it was obviously made by the boys, but it was very cute. "Aw!" I smiled. "Guys!"

"Shut up and let us sing!" Ross laughed. "Happy birthday..."

The boys all sang happy birthday for me, and I couldn't stop smiling. After their singing I blew out my candles, which there were exactly twenty-three.

"Yay!" Matty put his hands in the air. "Everyone get a piece!"

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After eating the whole cake with the guys, they all began to hand me gifts. First was Ross.

Ross handed his gift to me, and I looked at the small box. "I swear if you guys spent a ton of money on me..." I untied the bow.

Inside was two gift cards, one for iTunes, and the other one for Nando's. "Ross!" I laughed. "Thank you!"

"Mine's the best!" Ross laughed.

Best George handed me a slightly bigger box, I opened it to find a picture of George, and then another gift card but to Amazon.

"George gave you a fucking picture of himself?" Matty laughed.

"Thank-you George, it will go in my shrine for you," I joked.

"Ha, it'd better!"

Next was Adam's gift, which was an ice cream hat and a stuffed raccoon. I laughed as Adam stood proudly.

"Thanks Adam," I laughed. "What's the raccoon's name?"

"George!" George shouted.

"Okay then," Adam laughed. "His name is George!"

Lastly, Matty handed me the smallest box of the bunch. Knowing Matty, he was going to go all out. I opened the box and saw something that made me freak out.

On the little piece of paper in scribbled handwriting was only a couple of words. But I knew that Matty planned this well.

be taking pictures and saving art love, you might need it

"Matty," I barely got out. "What does this mean?"

"You'll see," Matty smiled. "And you'll like it, I know you will."

"How?" I laughed.

"Don't worry, just know that something's happening," Matty chuckled.

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The boys left after another hour or two. We ended up watching my favorite movie, the original Karate Kid. We also ate a lot of popcorn, and my birthday ended up being amazing.

Matty stood in front of me, holding out his hand. "Come on."

I stood up and Matty wrapped his arm around my waist. "I have a couple of things we could do," Matty whispered. "Sleep, or..?"

"Sleep," I laughed, and Matty agreed he would enjoy sleeping more.

I watched as Matty stood in his bathroom looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" I yawned.

"Your last present," Matty answered. "I wanted to give it to you after the boys left. I hid it in here and now I can't find it..."

I laid down on Matty's bed, feeling a sharp pain on my thigh. "Ow," I complained, sitting up and feeling Matty's bed until I felt a tiny, cold, and gold, accessory.

Matty turned back to me confused, and I held up a tiny ring with diamonds all around it.

"Ah! There it is!"

I looked up at Matty with wide eyes. "You're not proposing are you? God Matty I can't get married-"

"No! I'm not proposing," Matty laughed. "But Mum gave me that ring to give to you. It was my nana's promise ring she had with my grandpa. My nana received it when she was sixteen."

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