My Name is Three (Chapter Twenty)

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--Vocal recording 40266 -- Cell 859--



[singing, too quiet to be discerned 33s]

[pause 9s, voices]

"We've started? OK, fine..."

[pause 9.5s]

"Apparently there's a hurricane coming. I heard that over the cell intercom. They make announcements every so often."

[pause 4.5s]

"First hurricane in years... which probably means it's going to be a really severe one. I remember the street name for them... "blitz-blizzards". Kind of stupid, isn't it?"

[pause 7.5s]

"I hope Eight's OK. He must be... he'll have known about it, he must have taken shelter..."

[pause 11s, voices]

"OK, sure. Errrm..."

[pause 7s]

"Last time... I was talking about... more about Eight, wasn't I?"

[pause 4.5s, voices]

"Right... well, after that day... he seemed a lot more distant with me. I mean, he hadn't been very talkative in the first place, but..."

[pause 16.5s]

"Anyway, I didn't mind. I mean... I liked him. It took me a while to realise it, but I did like him. I didn't know why. I still don't know, really."

[pause 7.5s]

"Anyway... things went on, just as normal... well, I say normal... I helped Six with the hospital. I just... things went on."

[pause 13.5s]

"The D.E.M... they were starting to make preparations for... for the attack on New Ten Downing Street. That was... what?"

[pause 11s, voices]

"Oh... I..."

[pause 23.5s, voices]

"No, no... I mean... but... everyone... I thought that... you know, everybody knew... how it went down."

[pause 5s, voices]


[pause 32.5s, voices]

"OK... deal is, you have to let me stop for a while after I've told you about it. You didn't last time, so..."

[pause 23s]

[pause 4s, voices]

"OK. Thanks."

[pause 44s]

"Right... OK..."

[pause 59.5s]

"This... this feels like such a betrayal of... all of them."

[pause 19s, voices]


[pause 120.5s]

"Alright... the main idea revolved around... well, everyone knows now, as I said, but... the main plan revolved around the bomb that was fired at New Ten. The one that... well."

[pause 19.5s]

"I'll tell you later about where all the materials for it cane from, there's not much point in going into detail yet... but it was... launched, fired, whatever... from that derelict building... near to the... to home. The building was... its name was - used to be - Battersea Power Station."

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