What I Call Love

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Harry stood in the doorway to the great room, leaning against the frame and admiring.

Draco sat on the rug in the middle of the huge room with Scorpius, playing with the small child and trying to get him to say 'mumma' or 'dadda', none of which the baby showed any interest in, and would much rather babble and play with his toys.

The blonde smiled at the child and handed him a little teddy bear with a little Weasley sweater on it.

"Here you go baby... You like your teddy? Remember to thank Grama!" He coed at Scorpius, kissing his little head.

It had been four months since Draco was finally reunited with Harry and Scorpius, and Draco had only grown happier and healthier.

He ate more, he went to bed at reasonable hours, (before Scorpius would start crying and cause him to get out of bed and go rock him!) and he spent more time with his new family.

He took better care of himself. He loved life. His fur was growing thick and shiny, and a smile often adorned his lovely pale face.

Harry was amazed at how far Draco had come. He almost felt a tear of pride and joy prick in the corner of his eyes as he watched Draco.

He was absolutely beaming with joy, radiating with love.

He felt a hand on his shoulder from behind him. He turned his head slightly, not taking his eyes off of Draco though. "Mhm?"

"He really does look wonderful, Harry." Molly smiled sweetly. "Both Draco and the baby."

"Thank you for everything you've done for him...."

"Oh dear don't worry about it. He is just a dear, both him and the baby."

Draco, not hearing them, hummed softly to Scorpius. "Momma's right here baby....."

"Now that's what I call love, Harry Potter."

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