First day

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Draco had gotten his schedule. So much for trying to get Harry off his mind. They had almost every class together.
He got ready quickly, then headed out to his first class, getting there early, seeing as everyone else was at breakfast.
Nobody would notice that he wasn't there though, nobody liked him, and, he never ate. It was rare if he did show up to a meal.
He slunk slowly into a chair in the back of the empty classroom. A few minutes later, the door opened again, and Draco heard footsteps entering the room.

"So Malfoy, why where you staring at Me yesterday?" He heard the voice that belonged to Harry Potter.

"Don't flatter yourself, Potter-I-I wasn't."

"Who was it then, huh? Hermione?" Harry sneered with a smirk on his gorgeous face.

"I would never have eyes for the Mudblood." Draco spat.

"That's the last time, Malfoy!" Harry raised his voice, pulling out his wand.

"Boys!" Mcgonnagle yelled, rushing into the classroom. "Mr. Potter! 10 points from Gryffindor! Mr. Malfoy! 5 points from Slytherin! Get in your seats!"

Draco huffed, watching Harry walk to his desk.

Transfiguration dragged on, until Mcgonnagle gave them homework, and watched them leave in single file.

Draco's classes went by one by one, Defense against the Dark Arts, Arithmany, Charms, and finally, Potions was next.

Draco headed down to the dungeons early, wanting to have some time with his godfather before class started.
He had no such luck, as he heard footsteps behind him.

"Malfoy." Harry said. He was with his usual Gryffindor group.


"Pretty boy's heading to class alone? What a shame...."

Draco kept walking.

"Hey! You give me crap my whole time here, you don't get to ignore me!" Harry yelled, pushing Draco's shoulder.

Draco stayed silent, just praying to be let go. He was sick of this back and forth between the two of them.

"Can't even talk!?" Potter shoved him a little.

"Leave me alone." Draco stuttered out.

"OOOH, brave little bender, huh?!" Harry mocked.

Ron walked up and shoved Draco down into one of the hard walls.

"Ron, leave him to me, meet me at class." He told his group. When they left, he reached down and grabbed Draco's wrist to pull him up.

All of a sudden, Draco winced and gasps, pain flashing through his eyes.

"Malfoy? What's wrong with you!?" Potter asks, confused.

Draco just stared at Harry for a moment, tears welling up in his eyes, and then ran off in the other direction crying.

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