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"Harry!" Hermione yelled to him.  "Dumbledore wanted to see me in his office later, he says it has to do with you..,. And your behavior lately....."

"Oh..,." Harry looks down. What will she think of Draco? And there relationship?

" he wants you there to...." She added.

"Oh... Okay. " Harry nodded. "When is it?"

"It is.... OH! We will be late! Come on! " Hermione jumped up and grabbed Harry by the wrists, running to Dumbledores office.

They enter the office, and Hermione stops dead in her tracks.

Here we go....

Malfoy was sitting in a chair near Dumbledores desk. And his cat features were showing.

"What....?" Hermione pondered. "Malfoy, your, your part Animangus?"

Malfoy just nodded his head slowly, not looking at her.

"That calls us to the reason we are here!" Dumbledore starts.
" I need you, Hermione, to help. I need you to do some research for us. About Draco's species.
Dumbledore proceeded to  tell Hermione all about what had been happening. She needed to know for the research. She found out everything. The way he was raised. The beating. Everything.

Including Harry and him.

"So........?" Harry looked at Hermione after she had taken it all in.

"Well... First off, I am so sorry Malf- Draco... About everything. I'm so sorry. And... I have no problem with your relationship. I kind of knew all along. It was fun watching and guessing!" She laughed towards the end.

" but... I dont think you should tell Ron all this...."

"Ya, we will not be doing that anytime soon. He is a raging Homophobe."

"Okay... Well... Thank you. So much Hermione." Harry hugged her, and Draco hissed.
The two friends drew back with shocked faces.

"Draco...?" They asked.

"Mine." He climbed into Harry lap, blocking him from Hermione, who started to fangirl saying how cute it was and giggle.
Harry started to rub Draco's fur/hair behind his ears, making Draco purr loudly.
Hermione continued to coo over Draco's cute little cat features and attitude, and over the whole relationship. She had known that Draco liked Harry for YEARS! She had been shipping it since first year.

Hermione looked back over at the two boys, her and Harry soon noticing that Draco had fallen asleep, curled up in Harry's lap, purring.

"I'm glad your happy Harry."

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