Plotting, scheming, planning

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Harry and Draco had left the hospital wing a few weeks ago. They were pardoned from all classes, as Harry needed to stay with Draco.

Draco's stomach was swelling more and more by the day, and he had check ups with Madam Pomfrey every few days.

Hermione still checked in daily and talked with them.

Everything seemed to be going fine.

Or so they thought.

Somewhere else, evil was rising, from a place that used to give so many happy memories.

Somewhere else, dark magic was growing, plotting, scheming.

And, as they planned, each day they got closer and closer to being ready. Ready to take the first step in the plan.

They plotted, schemed, and planned.
To get revenge. To rise above. To rule.

Somewhere else, a tall blond man and a slimy, barely human creature spoke in evil voices.
They plotted, schemed, planned.
They would  not have there plots, schemes, and plans fail.

The first step in these plots, schemes, and plans, involved a boy. Two boys really, but a boy.

A boy who had once loved one of these evil men.

A boy who they wanted.

And now.

As they grew stronger, they came closer to getting him.

And now they were ready.

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