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Hello Lovelies!!! So good to see you again! It's been so long. Let me see here... *pinches cheeks* Just as I thought! You've definitely grown.
My dearies, I have a favor to ask of you. I'm writing a new Phanfiction and it would just mean so much to me if you guys went and checked it out. I will still finish this one but in case you couldn't tell, it's pretty much over. Just a few more filler chapters and then like two really long chapters. I might write a sequel, but I don't know. Anyway, please go check out my new story!

I love you so much! Free lemonade and sugar cubes for anyone who wants someone. It's free tonight, my dears.


Also I recently got into Gotham and it's greAAAAAAAAAT so expect a fanfiction of that a some point.








Okay. Bye.


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