The Blue Reflection

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*A week later*

"Hey Peej!" I said to the curly haired boy as I walked into the library, brown sack in hand. We were always the first ones here.

"Hey guys!" Louise said as she and Chris walked in.

"Alright-first order of business!" For some reason, the daily lunches had brought out the third grade in us. We had basically formed a secret club, having secret meetings.

"How is our treasury status?" Louise, who had become club leader, asked.

"Well, I found two dollars on the street!" Chris said. He was very proud.

"Awesome! Anyone else?"

"Why do we even have a treasury? What are we saving up to buy?" I asked.

"Better lunches!" We all laughed. Obviously, Phil was the only person I had told about the parents thing, so they didn't know I was kind of tight on money. I fished in my pockets.

"Oh yeah?" I stuck my tongue out at Chris, "I have a quarter!"

The group oohed and awwed.

"Well I guess you beat me!" Chris said sarcastically.

I had already told them all about Phil, and all about blue. They were all very happy for me, but had very different opinions as well.

See, Louise immediately stated:


While Chris said,

"No way! If he is classy, he'll ask you out!"

Peej couldn't decide which plan was best so he voted,

"Stay exactly where you guys are, and no one goes on any dates. Ha."

"Thanks guys," I had said.

Hello lovelies! Sorry this was a really short one, but it was just a filler. Sorry it took me so long to update! I love you all, thanks for the reads and votes and comments, I hope you are having a great day! Love you darlings!


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