The Blue Flame

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The knock came exactly when the clock turned to eight. I ran to the door, paused, then opened the door to a smiling Phil. He had a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"Hi, Dan!" He said. "These are for you." He handed me the flowers, my cheeks turning just as red as they were.

"Thanks, Phil. You can come in, while I put them in water." He entered. He was wearing a blue starred shirt and black jeans. I hoped I was wearing something appropriate, as I had never been on a date, and I hadn't been to the movies in years. I was wearing a white shirt, black jacket, and black jeans.

"You look great." Came Phil's voice. I nearly dropped the paper cup. Not that it would have mattered. It was just a paper cup.

"Really? I think you look much better than I do!" I replied. It was Phil's turn to blush.

"Heh, thanks."

"Alright, ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep!" He said. I offered him my hand to help him up. He took it, only to race me to the door so he could open it for me. I glared at him and he stuck out his tongue. We walk down to his car together, only to split up to each other's side. To open each other's door.

"I got to your side first!" I said, standing in front of his now open door.

"No way!"

"Come here and get in!"

"You first!"

"Yeah see I could, yeah, but I won't."



"On three?"

"On three."

"1," I said. This was the happiest day I'd had in years.

"2," Phil was smiling too. I hoped it was as genuine as mine.

"3!" I yelled, and ran to the passenger seat. When I got there, I was so out of breath, as I never really exercise, I gripped the door. I only realized that Phil was still next to me when he started laughing.

"Why didn't you go to your side?" I asked him.

"Because I knew you would!" He giggled.

"Ha," I said, "ha. So funny." I got in, and he closed the door behind me, then jogged to the driver's seat.


We arrived to "Cafe Hart" ten minutes later. 

"Order anything you want!" Phil said excitedly.

"I'm ordering the cheapest thing on the menu."

"Anything but that." Phil insisted. "Cmon, this place has everything! Try something new!"

I continued to grumble, but agreed in the end.

And then I saw it.

"Phil." I said.


"I just saw the love of my life."

"Huh?" He asked, clearly confused. I showed him who I was looking at.

She lived in the corner of the menu, under "Milkshakes".


"Like those?" He looked relieved.

"I've never tried one," I admitted, "but I sure do love my maltesers!"

In the end, I ordered a double burger with everything on it,
extra fries, and my malteser milkshake. Phil ordered a potato sandwich, whatever that is, with tater tots, and an "extreme Oreo milkshake."

When the food came, we immediately tried our shakes first.

"What makes the milkshake extreme?" I asked.

"Well there are usually just one type of Oreo, but in this milkshake, there are THREE different types of Oreo."

"Woah!" I replied, smiling. "That is extreme!"

"Now you know not to question Phil and his extreme desserts."

"Now I do."

We made jokes the whole night. My smile never disappeared. I had never known that there was a happiness this deep. This perfect. I had never smiled so much in my life.

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