Chapter Eighteen: Agreeing With The Mayans

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"What happened last night, can never happen again," Clay says, addressing the room full of members, "Not just the hit on me, but bodies dropping in Charming because of it."

"We had nothing to do with the hit on the Nords," I say, looking around the room.

I feel all eyes on me and try to ignore the feeling of nerves in my stomach. This is my first all charter meeting and none of the other charters knew about me until now. Yet here I am, sitting near the head of the table. I look over to see Tig watching me, it's like he can tell that I'm stressed.

'You're okay,' he mouths at me.

"Different targets, same war," Clay tells me, "If we fire back, we can't stop the blowback from hitting home, so I sat down with Alvarez."


"Whoa. . . ."

"You're kidding me."

"What just the two of you?" Tig asks.

"Where?" Jax continues.

"Unser's cage, we, uh, talked about our outstanding issue and made a deal," Clay explains.

"What kind of deal?" Bobby asks.

"We sell them guns and they settle all their beefs with us," Clay tells the full room, "Any territory issues, any business disputes, it all lands in our favor."

"You called this without a vote?" Piney asks from the other end of the table.

"I set it up, we vote on it now," Clay says, staring down the older man, "If this gets passed, you all will sit down with the Mayans in your state and work stuff out."

"What about Leroy and the Niners?" Juice pipes up.

"Leroy shows us no loyalty," Jax says, and I nod, agreeing with him, "They've been buying from other dealers and he reneged on the AK deal, ain't no reason at all that we can't branch out."

"The peace with the Mayans could start something a lot worse with the Niners," Bobby points out.

"I highly doubt it," I say.

"We'll deal with that fire when it catches," Clay agrees with me.

"These assholes tried to kill us, man, we just supposed to pretend it didn't happen?" Tig asks.

"No," Clay responds, "That debt gets settled, but not by us, gotta be an outside charter, you up for it Happ?"

"I'll do this thing," Happy grins, "It'll be perfect."

"Of that, I have no doubt," Clay nods at Happy, "Everyone for the Mayan deal."

Most of the members raise their hands, myself included. I'm tired of fighting with the Mayans, an agreement will spill less blood and still keep drugs out of Charming. It's a win, win.

"Anyone opposed?" Clay asks.

No one raises their hands.

Clay slams the gavel down on the table and I smile, standing up from my seat. I start to head for the door but pause as I still feel everyone's eyes on me. I turn and look around the room, wondering why everyone is staring at me.

"Stop staring at her lads!" Chibs stands up, coming to my aid, "Yeah, she's a member of the club and she'll take any one of you on in a fight and she'll win! So get over it!"

"And if you got a problem with her, you'll have to come through us first," Jax stands next to me.

"She's one of the most loyal members I've ever seen," Opie stands up from his chair, "She's always going to have our backs."

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