Chapter Four: The Road

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'Who the hell has the lights on?'

My eyes flutter open and I squint into the light, trying to find the person who turned on the lights.

"Glad you're finally awake," a familiar voice laughs.

My eyes land on Tig, who is sitting at the end of my bed. He looks tired but relieved; his blue eyes look like a sea of emotion. His mess of a hair is all over the place and his hand is resting on my leg. I sit up in bed and groan as a searing pain shoots through my head. I feel like I'm dying.

"Here," Tig holds out a pill and a glass of water.

"What is it?" I scowl, "Are you trying to roofie me?"

"I'm not into that," Tig answers, "It's gotta be consensual."

"Because fucking a dead chick is consensual," I roll my eyes as I take the pill.

"One time!" Tig yells jokingly.

"Sorry, it's just kinda fucked up."

"Just take your drugs."

"Yes sir," I salute.

"Do you remember what you told me last night?" Tig asks, looking down at his hand that is still resting on my leg.

"I have a concussion, don't think about it too much," I respond, getting out of bed.

"You actually don't, impressively," Tig says, "Just were a little delirious."

"Exactly, you can't take anything I say seriously."

"Hey, when the brain isn't thinking, sober thoughts come out," Tig defends, coming up behind me.

I turn and he's right in front of me, looming above me. I look into his eyes, actually enjoying the closeness between us. He's about six inches taller than me, but it's a good difference. He reaches down and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, I shiver at the sudden contact. I bite my lip, not taking my eyes from his. Tig's eyes dart down to my lips and he rests his hand on my neck, pulling my face towards him gently. His breath hits my face and I smile lightly, it smells like cigarettes and mint. I want this so badly, I want him so badly, but I know it will all just end in heartbreak, for me. I can't handle being emotionally compromised right now. It wouldn't be safe for the club. I duck my head away from him and feel tears start to well up in my eyes. Tig growls and turns away from me, slamming his fist into the wall. I jump and my lip starts to quiver, I'm fighting so hard to not cry.

"Why?" he asks, spinning to face me, his eyes full of fire.

"It'll only hurt us," I say.

"It wouldn't have to," Tig steps toward me.

"I don't want to be one of your one night girls," I answer, "I need stability, I'm not a toy, there would have to be no crow eaters in your bed, ever. When you're ready to do that let me know."

I walk out of my room and hear the sound of Tig punching the wall again. I walk into the main room and lean against the wall, letting out deep breaths, trying to calm myself. The door opens and I see the Prospect walk in, his head immediately snaps toward me and I see his face contort into a mix of concern and confusion.


"I'm fine," I try to keep the tears from spilling over.

"No, you're not," Half Sack sits down next to me.

I lean over, suddenly wanting someone to hold me, and rest my head on his shoulder. The kid stiffens next to me, but relaxes quickly and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"You wanna talk about it?"

I shake my head.

"Well if you ever need to, I'm here, I had to get a bunch of therapy when I came back," Half Sack admits, "And if you tell anyone that, I'm not gonna be nice anymore."

"Asshole," I laugh, hiccupping, "But thanks for the offer."

I hear a door slam and see Tig stalking through the main room, shooting a scowl at Half Sack and I. The Prospect watches him leave then turns to me, one eyebrow raised. I break down, sobbing into his chest, the heaves racking my entire body. Half Sack doesn't push me away, but instead he pulls me closer, stroking my hair soothingly. The door opens and I hear Chibs and Jax joking.

"What the hell happened?" Jax stops laughing.

"Audrey, are you okay?" Chibs rests a strong hand on my shoulder.

I pull away, burrowing further into Half Sack's chest; it feels safe here, like no one can harm me.

"Tig did something," Half Sack says quietly, "Came through here about a minute ago, looked pissed."

"Yeah, we saw him leave," Jax answers, "Audrey, what happened?"

I pull away from Half Sack and look at Jax with fuzzy vision. My headache has returned and I just want to crawl back in bed. Jax kneels down next to Chibs and they both look at me with worried expressions plastered on their faces.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say, trying to get up with the help of Half Sack, "I'm gonna go get dressed, I'm sure there's shit going on today that Clay'll need me for."

I walk into my room and see two holes in the wall, I sigh and walk passed them to my dresser. I grab my clothes and quickly get a shower and get dressed. I lace up my boots and look at myself in the floor length mirror. I look perfectly normal, my eyes aren't red from the tears anymore and my clothes are clean and blood free. I smirk at myself and feel a surge of confidence surge inside of me. Fuck Tig, who needs a guy? I'm a dangerous bitch and I don't give a shit what anyone thinks. I'm strong. I walk out of my room and back into the main room where Bobby has brought muffins for breakfast. I grab one and sit down next to Jax, who glances over at me.

"You okay?"

"I'm all good," I say.

"If you need to talk. . . . ." Jax trails off as Clay walks through the door with a bag.

"Niner deal just went through," he says, setting the bag down on the table, "Leroy is thrilled with his new assault rifles."

He throws an envelope full of money at me and I catch it, "Glad to see you're all good Audi," Clay nods at me.

He hands out the rest of the money and I see that Tig has followed him in, ignoring me and sitting at the table. I feel a pang of emotion and push it down, I have to be strong. I can't let the club think I'm weak just because of some guy.

"Hey, my snitch from City Hall just told me Hale just got a warrant to search the warehouse," Juice says, walking in from the dorms.

"Great. . . ."

Wrong Side Of Heaven //Tig Trager// ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now