Chapter Eight: That I Regretted

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"Where were you last night?" Half Sack asks, as I sit down at the bar, taking my sunglasses off, "You disappeared."

"I was doing a favor to the club."

"You didn't. . ." he stares at me with wide eyes.

"I just saved the club 50K Prospect," I answer, motioning for him to grab me a beer, "You'll understand why I did it when you're a full member."

"I'm guessing I'm sworn to secrecy?"

"Now you're getting the idea," I take a swig of my beer.

"Where's Chibs?"

"Room," the Prospect answers, still watching me carefully.


I get up, beer in hand, and walk back into the dorms. I hurry passed Tig's room and hear my name being called. I stop and turn to see Tig standing in his doorway in nothing but a towel.

'Don't get distracted, you need to find Chibs,' I remind myself.

"Hey, I gotta find Chibs, can we talk later?" I ask, backing away from Tig.


I can feel his gaze as I walk down the hallway, I know I'm walking funny, but fuck, I hurt all over. Michael was vicious, he said he wanted fun, but his definition of fun was more like making me fear for my life. But I fought the feelings of fear and ignored the pain. I wince as I finally reach Chibs' room. I knock on the door and he immediately pulls it open.

"Where did you go?" he yells quietly, pulling me into his room.

"I'm sorry Chibs," I whisper, looking down at my feet.

"You didn't," he stares at me with the same expression that Half Sack had.

"I'm sorry!" I cry out, "His offer was too good to pass up!"

Chibs pulls me into a hug and I bury my face in his chest, my body shaking violently.

"It's alright," he comforts, "You'll be okay."

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Don't be sorry lass," he tilts my chin up with his thumb, "Tell me what happened."

"He told me if I slept with him, he'd take 50K off our bill," I sigh as Chibs leads me to his bed, "It was such a good deal, I couldn't pass it up. Clay was so stressed about the money and I thought if I could
help. . . ."

"But it wasn't as easy as you expected?"

"No, it was horrible Chibs, I feel so dirty."

"Are you going to tell the others?"

"Tig knows something is up, they aren't dumb," I sigh, flopping back onto Chibs' bed, "They'll put two and two together eventually."

"And you'd rather tell them?"

"Yeah, I might as well," I reply.

"That's brave," he says, resting a hand on my leg.

"Chibs! We got church!" Juice's voice yells through the closed door.

"Perfect timing eh?"

"Yeah," I groan.

We walk down the hall together and I pause at the doors that lead into the church.

"You can do this Audrey," Chibs says, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"If I knew any better, I'd think you were trying to take my girl," Tig says from behind us.

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