Chapter Eleven: Strength In Numbers

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"The next time this gavel slams down will mean the last of the Devil's Tribe," Clay says, holding up the gavel, "There's history between the clubs. John Teller and Jury were in the same platoon in Nam, Needle's brother is a 20 year member in our Fresno charter, we have a deep respect for each other. Now it's time to become brothers."

Jax holds up the new cut, most of the men won't wear it, I can see it in their eyes. They're afraid of what the Reaper brings.

"Many of you look forward to wearing the Reaper," Clay continues, "But some of you are afraid of it and that's a choice each man will make for himself. Now I hope every one of you wears this cut, because we're family now, Indian Hills, Nevada charter, Sons Of Anarchy."

We file out of the room to leave the Tribe to talk about their future. I don't like patch overs, it feels like we're bullying the other club into becoming us. It just doesn't feel right. I sit on the grass and look up into the night sky, the stars shining like small diamonds.

"So how pissed was Tig when he found out he couldn't come?"

"Very," I laugh, looking over at Jax.

"So what's going on with you two?" he asks, "You his old lady or what?"

"I dunno Jax," I answer, "I mean we've kissed and shit and he kinda asked me to be his girlfriend, but I don't know where I stand specifically."

"It'll be okay Aud," Jax reassures me, "He cares about you."

"I wish Chibs was here to talk this over with," I groan, flopping back into the grass.

"He's like your dad, isn't he?"

"Yeah, my dad wasn't around much so I guess I missed having someone, Chibs just took that place," I explain.

"It's good to see you really settling in here," Jax smiles, "I wasn't sure you were cut out for Charming, but you're really showing that you are."

"Jax, can I talk with you?" Clay says, walking up to us.

"Sure," Jax jumps up and walks away with Clay.

After a few minutes, men come pouring out of the Tribe's bar, cursing and throwing their cuts on the ground. I get up, dusting myself off and follow my crew into the bar, standing near the back with Happy.

"Heard you scared the kid," Happy laughs, nodding towards the Prospect.

"Just a bit," I smirk, "Not my fault he's a wimp, that scumbag needed to die."

"Agreed, sounds like you did a good job too."

"I always do I good job, Happ," I answer.

I see the two Presidents hugging and smile, maybe this'll be a good thing. It only looks like Jury lost four members so that means more in the SOA ranks.

"Patch over party!" Happy yells, hoisting me up in the air.

I let out a whoop and hold my fist in the air, it's gonna be nice to get drunk and enjoy myself for once with my old friend. I stand at the bar and watch as two newly dubbed crow eaters serve drinks to the guys.

"How come that girl gets to wear the cut?" the blonde asks, "She's just a crow eater right?"

"Shut your mouth!" the brunette says, shooting me an apologetic look.

"But she looks just like any of the other girls," the blonde continues to run her mouth, "It's not like she can be a member, she doesn't look like anything special."

"That's Audi, she's one of the most dangerous members in all of the charters," Cherry snaps at the girl, "And she's my cousin, so back off or else she'll kick your ass."

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