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I followed Jake outside and we walked for about twenty minutes and we arrived in the forest.

"Is this where you murder me?" I chuckled and glanced at him.

"Not exactly. You wanted to get away from our crowded home? It's better to be alone sometimes." He smiled and we lied down against a tree near a lake.

"You were right. It is better being at a place with not much people. But, i think i prefer being alone." I tilted my head to the side to get a look at Jake from the other side of the tree.

"No one can hurt you..." i whispered.

"Hmm? What was that?" He sat up and scooted over to the side of the tree.

"Nothing, im fine."

"Please, we all know that's a common lie. What's wrong?" I sighed and slouched down.

"Well, you are like my big brother. It's just weird you know? How Enoch says he likes me after i've been with you guys for about three weeks."

"You can't blame him. I wouldn't know what love feels or looks like if i haven't felt it for a long time. Give him time." He smiled and pulled out his phone.

"Mind taking a picture with me?" He grinned and held his hand out and we both smiled. He pressed the button and slid back down against the tree.

"It's getting dark Vivian. Wanna head back?"

"No, i like how dark it is. You have the moon and the stars to look at." I smiled and looked up. Sometimes you have to appreciate the little things in life.

"Alright, i'll give you a few minutes." He muttered and closed his eyes.

I stood up and walked to the side of the lake. I sat down slowly and made little drops of water float. As of now, all i could think about what the others were doing. Maybe tomorrow i'll get Enoch some comfy hoodies so he doesn't have to wear that grey sweater all the time. I smiled at the thought of him wearing a hoodie with his curls falling infront of his face. I looked around and it was really dark, I made Jake float to the car and placed him on the driver's seat.

"Jake, wake up bud." I said, shaking his shoulder.

"We're in the car already? Thank y-" he randomly stopped and looked at the side mirrors.

"Why? What's going on?" He started the car and drove away fast.

"We have to get home. We aren't the only one's here. I think I sense a hollow." He was focused on the road, but he still was driving fast.

"Slow down Jake. You don't want to get caught by the cops do you?"

"It's better than getting caught by a hollow." He ran his fingers through his hair and strands of his hair fell in front of his face.

I slouched down and just watched Jake drive, eventually he did slow down. He parked the car in the garage and took out his car keys. We went back inside and i lied down the couch. Jake turned on the tv for me and sat next to me.

"You made me scared now!" I said playfully and patted his leg. He chuckled and winked.

"Are you in the mood for dinner?"

"Nope, I just wanna hang out." He stood up and took out some orange juice.

"The only drink i have besides water." He smiled and sat next to me, placing the glasses on the coffee table. I snatched his phone out of his pocket and swiped right for the camera.

"Smile Jake." I said holding up the phone waiting for him to smile.

"Vivian, no..." he sighed and looked down while smiling. I took the photo and scooted next to him showing him the photo.

ISOLATION // e.o'connor fanfic (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now