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I turned around and saw... Horace.

"I knew you would come here." He sat next to me, giving me a gentle look. It made me feel... safer.

"You know, you're the only person that i got my clothes dirty for." He chuckled, so did i.

"Im really sorry for getting angry at you." I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up.

"Im the one who should be sorry right now. I should have told you this would happen." He started leaning in, i stood up and held out my hand.

"Its almost time for dinner. We should go." I smiled at him and pulled him up. We went back inside the mansion and went to the dinning room.

"Mister Sumusson, Miss Warren, 51 seconds late."

"Sorry Miss Peregrine." I followed him to his seat. I was about to sit down but Enoch grabbed my arm.

"Sit next to me Vivian." I just followed his order, i didn't want to fight with him anymore.

After dinner, we were on our way outside the garden. Before i had the chance to get away from Enoch, he grabbed my arm.

"Look, Vivian, you were right. I was being selfish. Im sorry, i didn't know what i was thinking."

"Its alright Enoch, i forgive you." I smiled. I cleared my throat and looked outside.

Once eveybody was back inside, we went to the couch and prepared for movie night.

"I wonder what Horace has in store for us tonight." I heard Hugh say. I sat next to Claire and Fiona.

"I want to see Vivian and Enoch!" I gave Bronwyn a confused look. I noticed Olive had a frown on her face. I felt really bad for her.

Horace adjusted his monocule and started to project his dreams. At first i saw what happened earlier, when we were at the beach. Everybody started to look at Enoch.

"Well i guess Horace and Vivian are together. Aren't they Enoch!"

"Shut up!" We all looked back at the projection and saw, once we get to our rooms. I end up... Crying?

I looked back at Enoch, he looked away from the screen and back at me.

"That's enough children, off to bed. Oh and one more thing, me, Mister Portman and Miss Elephanta are off to London. I recieved word from Miss Avocet. We will be back in a couple of weeks. Mister O'Connor will keep my pocket watch." She handed her watch to Enoch. They were on their way out and we all went to our rooms.

"We will see you soon children!"

"Wait! Miss Peregrine, i should come too! I can help."

"Alright Miss Bloom. Come now, we have hollows to kill." After they left i sat on the stairs for a while.

I got up after a few minutes and reminded Enoch he needed to reset the loop.

"Alright Mister O'Connor, time to reset the loop." I opened the door and went inside.

"Alright, give me a moment." He got up from his bed and went to the garden.

ISOLATION // e.o'connor fanfic (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now