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I pulled away and looked at him. He left me with butterflies, i sat against the wall and burried my head between my legs.

"What's wrong? Di-did i make you uncomfortable? Do-do regret kissing me?"

"No! Enoch, i-"

"There you are!" Bronwyn busted into the bathroom.

"Its movie night! Come on already!" We all walked out of the room and into the living room.

I sat across Enoch and beside the twins. Once the projection appeared the first thing we saw was what happened earlier. Everybody started smilling, especially Emma and Jake. I guess they wanted me and Enoch to get together. Horace took of his monocule and walked out.

"Alright everyone, off to bed!" Miss Peregrine called out. I walked back upstairs but i was stopped by the twins. I smiled and kissed their foreheads.

"Goodnight." I opened my door and made it close. After what happened in the bathroom, i couldn't even look at Enoch. I tucked myself in and felt eyes on me. I sat up and looked around and saw one of Enoch's dolls behind the closet. I ran up to it and it immediatly sliced my finger.

"Hey!" I kicked the doll away and Enoch suddenly went in my room.

"Vivian! I-im so sorry! I didn't mean it. Here, let me help you." He held my hand and placed my finger in his mouth.

"T-thank you... Enoch. You have to go to sleep, Miss will get mad." I tried pushing him out the door but i failed.

"Please, don't shut me out. Don't you feel the same way about me?"

"I-i don't know! The last time i got attached to a person, I-i got hurt! And i don't want it to happen again, i just-" he pulled me into a hug and i started tearing up. I started crying and my knees started giving up on me.

"Shush... I know, just... Trust me." He closed the door and helped me to my bed. He knelt down so he was facing me. I felt his hand on my cheek and he smiled.

"I-i have to go sleep, Enoch im just tired..." he nodded and patted my head.

"Get some sleep Vivian. Im sorry if i scared you."

When he left i fell asleep fast. That's the best part of falling asleep, there's only darkness with you... Nothing else.

I woke up to the sound of laughing from outside. I stood up and went to the garden, as soon as i was outside Claire ran up to me.

"Goodmorning Vivian! Jake is waiting for you by the tree." She smiled and started walking with me.

"Hey Jake."

"I heard about you and Enoch. Do you feel the same way?"

"To be honest, i don't know actually..."

"Well, you'll know when, when you feel what he feels, when you see what he sees in you, and mostly, when your heart says so." I smiled and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Wow, thanks for the advice big brother." He smiled.

"I always wanted a little sister, well i guess i have one now." I smiled at him and helped him up. The first thing i saw was Enoch sitting on the porch. I ran up to him and sat near his feet.

"Hey... Sorry about my crying last night. I wanna make it up to you, wanna head to the beach?" He smiled and we ran all the way to the beach.

I sat down the sand and he took of his shirt. I couldn't help but stare.

"Swim with me? Please." I laughed and kept my shirt on.

When we were in the water, he grabbed my waist and spun me around.

"Enoch!" I smiled and laughed at him. When he stopped spinning i splashed him with water and i went underwater. I felt him grab my foot and i made him go up for a moment.

I ran back to shore but he caught up and we both fell down. He was under me i was on top. I stared at him and laughed.

"You idiot." I sighed.

"Pardon? What was that?"

"Nothing! Don't push it." I smiled and rolled of him. I layed down on the sand and took a deep breath.

"So, do you admit it? That you feel the same way about me?" I stood up and scratched my neck. I helped him up and we walked back to the mansion.

"You didn't answer my question Vivian." We were already near his room. I stared at him for a while and kissed his forehead.

"Take it slow Enoch, we have forever." We both smiled and i waved goodbye. When i was in my room, i changed into a comfy green dress. I was kind of right to tell Enoch to take it slow. I feel the same way about him. I wonder when Emma and Jake admitted to each other how they felt?

After a little bit of thinking, i heard a knock on my door. It was Horace.

"So is true? Are you and Enoch together?"

"Were not, technically together. But-"

"I could have been perfect for you! Nobody ever says no to me!"

"Horace, hey. Me and Enoch aren't together, okay. Calm down."

"Well you will be! I admit it, i like you. I felt what Enoch felt first. He stole my chance."

"Aren't you a bit young?"

"That doesn't matter! Please." He held my hands and knelt down.

"Give me a chance. Vivian i promise i won't be like Enoch, he's not who you think he is. He hurt Olive. He'll do the same to you."

"You don't know that Horace." I pulled my hands away and knelt down.

"You don't rush things Horace. Trust me, i know. You have to be patient to get what you want." Once i said that a tear rolled off his cheek.

"Hey... It's alright. Im here." I pulled him into a hug and heard him whisper.

"Okay, ill be patient. I promise." He smiled once i pulled away. He stood up and helped me onto my feet.

I walked out with Horace and went into the library with everyone else. I sat in the floor with Claire and Bronwyn and ket them braid my hair.

"You have pretty brown, long hair Vivian." Claire whispered.

"There you are Enoch! Someone's in a good mood." Jake said to Enoch while he entered the roon with a smile on his face. I smiled at him and he sat with me and the girls.

"There you go. Smile often, your smile could end wars." I told him and he held my hand. This was what i was waiting for, for him to open up to everybody. I love him for that.

ISOLATION // e.o'connor fanfic (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now