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It took us a day to get to her loop, and yes i know what it is. She told me all about being an ymbryne, what's a loop, what's a hollow and all that.

We arrived at this big looking mansion that had a big beautiful garden.

"Miss Warren, i would like you to meet my wards, perhaps over dinner?" she smiled, escorting me inside her mansion.

"Your room is already prepared. Horace predicted you were coming"

"Thanks miss P" i smiled at her and went straight to my room, making sure nobody noticed that i was here already. Miss Peregrine told me that Horace was predicting i was coming for a while now, and that all of them were excited to meet me.

My room looked really vintage, well i can't complain we are living in 1940. She has 12 wards,(including the twins) i kind of have to get used to living with alot of people. I was sitting on my bed and heard a knock on the door.

"Millard?! Are you in there?" All i heard was pounding on my door and a british accent.

"If you don't come out, im sending in a swarm of bees!" I started to panic then i heard another british voice coming from the back of the room. There's no one here?

"Excuse me miss but me and my friend were playing hide and go seek and i didn't know that this was your room. My apologies, Millard Nullings pleasure to meet you"

"You're invisible?" I felt a hand touch my wrist and he started shaking it.

"Correct. You must be Vivian Warren?"

"Yeah that's me" i smiled.

"You better go i don't want bees inside my room" i chuckled and saw him put his clothes back on. I tried not to laugh so i looked a different way.

"See you later Vivian!" He skipped outside with a boy with a yellow and black striped shirt.

"I think im gonna like it here." I smiled while laying down on my bed, forgetting to close the door.

After awhile i head a scottish accent this time.

"Olive! take those hearts out the fridge!" He stopped right across my door.

"Sorry Enoch!, ill take it out right away!" Said a girl with red hair and black gloves running through the hallway.

"You better not drop it." i made the door close slowly and locked it. I didn't want anyone else to see me right now.
It was already 5:48 and dinner is at 6:00 sharp, so i dressed in a vintage black dress with long sleeves and ended right before my knees. I got some white sandals and tied my hair in a ponytale.

I waited for the clock to stike 6:00 and when it did i went across the hallway, went down the stairs and when i arrived in the dinning room everyone was already there.

"Am i late?" I say sitting down on a chair next to miss Peregrine and felt legs.

"Excuse me?!" It was Millard, oviously.

"Mister Nullings, polite people do not eat in the nude." Everyone started laughing while i felt a little nudge on my shoulder.

"Alright, alright" i saw him put a robe on and sat on the chair he was sitting on earlier.

"You can sit beside me Vivian" says a boy with blonde poofy hair, and he was wearing a tux. I sat next to him and beside a girl with brown curls"

"Horace Sumnusson, pleasure" i shook his hand and looked over to the girl beside me.

"Bronwyn Bruntley, nice to meet you" i went for the hand shake, but she went for the bone crushing hug.

ISOLATION // e.o'connor fanfic (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now