Chapter Eleven

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Calum's POV

"Dammit Emilia! What is he hiding?!" I yelled at Emilia as we sat outside Starbucks.

"He's not ready to tell you yet! What part of 'he's not ready' don't you understand?!" Emilia yelled back, throwing her empty cup in the trash and we continued to walk around the mall.

"He's my fucking boyfriend! I should know everything he's hiding!" Emilia held up her hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry, I would have told you by now if he hadn't sworn me to secrecy!" 

By now people were staring at us with worried looks on their faces as we continued to fight.

"Then why the fuck would he tell you and not me?"

She stared at the ground, her head down on defeat and her voice quiting down.

"I can tell you one thing Calum."

I continued to listen to her.

"The reason he doesn't want to tell you is because is very personal and he thinks if he tells you you'll leave him."

My eyes widened at her words, the heart break in me saddened me down. 

"Why would I ever leave him?"

She shrugged her shoulders, her mouth opening to talk.

"I bet it's from the way you would talk to Jennifer."

My eyebrows furrowed together.

"Why would I talk to him like I do to Jennifer? Jennifer deserves it."

"I don't really know Calum, ask him yourself if you want to know so bad."

It was worth a try.

Luke's POV

"Luke? Baby?"

I had locked myself in his room when he tried to ask me about it.


"Are you mad?"

"Maybe." I growled, folding my arms and grunting.

"Don't you dare give me that tone." His strong demanding voice growled right back at me.

"I can if I want to. Your not the boss of me."

His fist pounded against my door, the noise of it echoing through the room.

I eventually gave up, opening the door for him to come into the room.

I was took by surprised when he shoved me against the wall and asking me to jump, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"What's with you lately Luke."

"I-I don't know.."

He stared straight at me, studying every part of my face.

"Your cute when your scared baby."

"I just don't like it when you yell, t-that's all." I said, my voice barely audible.

"You know I would like to know why you won't tell me." Calum's voice whispered into my ear, sending chills down my back.

"But you don't have to.." he continued.

He eventually began to kiss me. It was a little forced this time, but I didn't mind it.

"Do you know how beautiful I think you are?" He continued to kiss me.

"I-I'm not but no."

His face turned a little angry when I said that 

"Don't you dare put yourself down like that." His demanding voice stated.

"B-but it's true Calum.." I almost whispered to him.

"No. It's. Not. Don't you ever say that."

I nodded my head as he put me down, letting me stand up by myself. His back turned the opposite direction of me with his arms folded across his chest.

"Are you mad?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder and trying to turn him around, him refusing.


I didn't know what I said would piss him off, I was just stating what's true.

"You know I can't change what I think about myself."

He sighed, turning around and staring at me.

"Why do you think that way when you shouldn't?"

"It's just how I think about myself, I can't change."

He threw his hands up in the air in defeat.
Growling like a wild animal.

"W-well I'm sorry if I made you mad.."

"Nevermind. We'll talk about this later."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and staring at me.

"Just...why did you tell Emilia before me?"

My scars started to itch through my black and red flannel shirt, having a to resist the urge to itch them.

"I-i guess I feel that you would leave me if I did.."

Calum then grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him, his grip a little too strong that I could feel an old scar open again.

"I will never ever leave you, okay? But if your really not ready to tell me, then I can wait until you want to."

I nodded my head and gave him a small smile.

"I was also going to ask you, uh."

His words were stuttered as he examined my face.

"Would you like to, maybe go out on Friday?"

I smiled at him, my teeth showing.

"Of course I would."

He placed a kiss to my lips, placing his forehead against mine.

Nothing could go wrong, right?


Ed Sheeran's new music is 👌🏼

Also really bad chapter, but I have a surprise in a few chapters( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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