Chapter Thirty Three

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Axel's POV

 We left it be known that Rose Anderson's team could be found in North Carolina, that they were living on an old farm at the base of the mountains with the Donovan Team. Once we got the news that Owen was on his way to the farm, we sat up our trap. We took him as soon as he arrived, leaving his car and phone in Rose's care. No one would be expecting to hear from him. He never contacted anyone as he searched for former teams, not even Agatha. We had him unconscious in seconds; he didn't see us when we grabbed him. We took him straight to the pod and Guardians waiting for us. The trip to Lenkarda was quick, we couldn't afford to waste any time.

"It is along the lines of softening, except it covers over the true memories and make them dream like." The Mind Expert continued to examine Owen. "Since we have the instrument it will be simple enough to remove the tampering. I will be giving him a mind shield, his brain is more susceptible after being controlled so long. If there is a next time, we may not be able to save him."

"Adam and Mia will assist you." Korum nodded curtly.

"I will be happy for their help." The man assured him. We moved to the other end of the lab to allow the doctor to work as we discussed plans. Once Owen recovered, his teammates would fill him in on what was going on. They would make it clear that his mother's safety depended on his actions. Kota was concerned; he wanted to know why the mind control faded when we were in the bunker. Alir reminded us that none of us took our phones into hiding with us and the Krinar; for our protection, they monitored communication. Being inside the mountain and a ton of rock insulating us from radio waves; while he had brought the violin, it only softened his mind so he could be controlled. 

"He didn't play it," Luke stated firmly. "Victor wasn't with us and they always played a duet," Victor confirmed Luke's statement with a nod of his head.

"Do you think that is why he told us to call him Owen? Doc had just given him the spiel about the stick in his ass and how it wouldn't hurt him to remove it." Nathan asked as he clenched his fists absently, a nervous habit.

"It is possible," Korum frowned. "But it is also possible that he was tired of the formality between you. He isn't that much older than you are and he didn't have to worry about your safety as much. Your parents and guardians were with you, the bunker was a contained environment and there were no missions demanding your attention. He felt safe."

"He is going to need protection once we return him," North growled. "So will Doc and Gabe."

"I have already assigned Guardians to watch over them," Alir assured him.

"How long will the procedure take?" Kota's fingers fumbled, no longer having his glasses to fiddle with.

"Not too long." Victor surprised his friends by answering. "He will be tired and he will be confused for a time while his memories adjust. Ellet has agreed to watch over him and she will let us know when he is ready for us to talk to him. Mia has promised to be on hand if needed."

"Being a fellow human, we think he will be able to relate better to her than a Krinar," Korum added. "My wife has been studying Psychology in New York and has trained here, she isn't without experience." 

Kota's POV 

"What about Sang?" Nathan asked.

"She is Krinar and our studies do not involve the mind. I'm not sure he would accept her." Victor frowned, his lips curled down in disapproval. Reminding us of the reason he left the team and Owen's inability to accept it. Victor didn't really have a choice, he was Krinar and he also had a bond with Sang. He had also been very ill. The rest of us made our own choices. They may seem wrong to someone else, but they were the right ones for us. It didn't mean we were turning our back on the rest of the team, we weren't. They were still our brothers and they would remain so. We would always be there for them and hoped to convince them to join us. I wished we could tell them everything planned, but not even all of the Krinar knew it all.  Honestly, I was excited and that was something I haven't been for a long time. I knew that once my sister got her head on straight, that she and mom would join me at Lenkarda. Jess could study anything she wanted and Mom would be working with the best doctors. It is what I wanted. First, she had to stop thinking of my friends as her future husband and she would be smart to keep her hands off Victor. She didn't see how close Sang had been to ripping them off at the party Uncle held for them at the Diner and I don't mean just off of Victor. 

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