Chapter Fifteen

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Kota's POV

I was in two minds. I was happy that my long time friend was alive and healthy, I was jealous because he was with the girl I had been trying to meet the two weeks she lived across the street from me. Do not get me wrong, Victor was my brother and I wanted only the best for him. Out of all of us, he was the only one whose abusive parents were impossible to remove. Yes, Nate's father came home from time to time, but we have not seen him for several years since he took the job in Indonesia when Nate was fourteen. He deposited money in the bank for Nate to pay the bills and that was all Nate wanted from him. Gabe had remained with his stepmother for years, we never understood why, but he had his reasons and she was not the one who abused him. It was his choice and we refused to pressure him over it. Victor was different in that the physical abuse he had endured ended only recently, when we filmed George Morgan punching Victor in the stomach where no one would see. That did not stop the verbal or mental abuse his parents constantly heaped on him. That only ended when the aliens landed on the planet and he sought asylum with them. While some people would automatically assume he murdered his parents, and then fled to the aliens for protection, we know it did not happen that way. We watched him leave with the aliens, his parents called us the next morning looking for him. Neighbors saw them leave their house and head to the small airport where they kept the family jet a few days later, the exact time Victor was filmed as he picked his car up from my house. My take was that his parents used the invasion as a distraction and embezzled Victor's money and are now living on an island in the South Seas. Mr. Blackbourne tried to check on Victor's trust fund, someone had closed the account. We should probably search for them before Victor returns home; we did not want him arrested for murder.

I envied him the trip through space. I was more interested in the technology of the spaceship that had taken him to Krina then I was the stars. I knew that it had to be more complex then the pod we flew in and this virtual reality chamber. I wanted to immerse myself with learning how everything worked. Some of the technologies companies have tried to imitate their wristband phones and thin page computers. They were sluggish and limited, but people were buying them up like hotcakes. I was not thinking of Apple watches or iPads, the Krinar's versions were much more sophisticated and sleek in their design, the power of a desktop on a wrist or tablet, who would not want it?

I decided I could forgive him for the girl, I was allowed to be annoyed with him for leaving me behind though.

Gabriel's POV

No f*cking way, was my first thought. That could not be Victor. There was no f*cking way Vic would dye his hair and let it go wild. As for those sh*tty clothes, I know I taught him better than that. The f*cker would not dare wear such sloppy sh*t, especially around me. First thing I needed to do was remove that rat's nest he was sporting as hair. I would let him keep the color for now, but only because I wanted to figure out how they managed to get so many colors to blend so smoothly. I may try it on my own hair, but only because I did not want to take the chance of damaging someone else's hair. Sh*t, I would have to do some major shopping for him. None of the old stuff would fit. Just what we needed another f*cking behemoth. At least he did not have all those bulging muscles that Si and Nate had, they were a pain in the a$$ to hide under a suit.

I tilted my head to study his girl. Well sh*t, her hair was a blonder version of his and made your fingers itch to bury themselves into the silky strands. It needed several inches taken off and some shaping, a bob maybe. Every time one of them moved their heads, their hair changed colors. She was a bigger disaster then he was. The hair clip was f*cking ugly, Vic needed to destroy it when she was not looking. I was f*cking serious, I was going to have nightmares about it now. As for her dress, it was too prim for my tastes. Well, prim was not exactly the word I was looking for. The skirt was short enough and it was a halter top, it just looked so bland. It needed a pattern, brighter colors to liven it up. The skirt should be more form fitting. I just knew the fucker was going to bring her home with him; and I would need to make her suitable for the public along with him. Shit, I would be working my f*cking a$$ off. I beamed; I could not wait to start.

Silas's POV

I was not sure what to think. I had considered that North might equal me in size, but never Victor. I also wondered how he managed to look so elegant when his hair was a mess and he was wearing those shorts. Gabe must be sh*tting bricks. The only thing I cared about though; was that he was no longer sick, the Krinar had cured him. We would not lose our brother.

I wanted us to do something special for him when we brought him home, a family thing. Maybe a camping trip or we could try the Disney parks, stay in one of the hotels. I did not care what we did really, just as long as we re-connected with Vic and each other; spent time together as a family.

My eyes settled on his companion. She was beautiful, golden like an angel; I almost expected to see wings sprouting from her back. I am confused, why did Vic and this girl look so different then the other Krinar I have seen? The eyes are different; I'm not certain how. Their hair, it is lighter than the rest of the Krinar I have seen. Why, I wonder. Did the Krinar convert them? Was the rumor true, were they vampires? I did not want to believe it. I have seen them come to the diner and they never ordered meat, I have never seen them eat cheese or any other animal product. They always ate vegetarian dishes, I really could not see them mixing blood with vegetables. That would just be gross. I know that Victor would never drink blood, nor would he let his angel do so. Victor had class; he left the gross stuff to the rest of us.

North's POV

I nodded a greeting to Victor, glad to see that he was still in one piece. I knew that it meant he and the girl had not been caught or in trouble. I was relieved; no one should receive punishment for helping out family. I was not stupid though, I understood why the Krinar would not want them to help us. If other humans were to learn that some of the aliens had helped a few humans, they would riot in the streets again and demand equal treatment. It would not matter that we had been friends with Vic for years, he was Krinar and we were humans.

Luke had made me realize how much they had been risking by helping us and how bad things would have been for us without their help. They would not receive any of the credit they deserved for helping to keep the thirty of us alive. I felt guilty, I could not even say thank you to them without drawing unwanted attention. I was not going to let it go, I would find some way to show my gratitude for all they had done for us. Luke and Uncle felt the same way.

I would not have recognized the girl if had not been for her eyes and hair, she had changed so much since I last saw her. Not only had she become taller, she gained some killer curves. My ego took a hit to find that she showed more interest in Uncle and our Krinar guide. I was not used to girls ignoring me in favor of one of my brothers, unless it was Si. However, Uncle, never in a million years would I have expected that. I got a good look at what Luke had been talking about when Doc nearly got himself in trouble by trying to approach the girl to introduce himself. We knew he did not mean her any harm, he was not thinking clearly in his tired state. Not only had our guide growled, but Victor had reacted too. I was able to grab Sean and pull him back before anything happened, but I had been watching Vic as I did so. I never saw him move, suddenly the girl was behind him and his was crouching as if he was ready to pounce. His eyes had been doing that flaming shit it did that day at the house, when they harvested our crops with that weird mojo. Her eyes had been lit up just like Victor's, her hand resting on his back. As if she was prepared to help him.

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