Chapter Ten

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I would like to thank everyone who is reading Children of Krina, I reached 1k reads today and to celebrate I have posted this chapter. I will also admit that since I am writing a sci-fi fantasy, I decided to have fun with it ;)

Sang's POV

"You have not eaten and you are exhausting yourselves," Lahur gave us a stern look as he ordered the house to prepare meals for us right away.

"Are we in trouble," I asked.

"Should you be," he countered. Ugh, I hated when he did that; his eyes and face completely blank of any emotion.

"Those people are Victor's friends; he has known them since he was little." I defended our actions. "We can't just ignore the danger they are in if we can help them. We have been very careful not to break the mandate and we have never been told that we couldn't use our natural abilities to help humans we care for."

"That is true, we have not told you that you could not help them or use the abilities you were born with to help humans." He surprised us by agreeing. "We are pleased that you have obeyed the mandate while you did what you felt was right. It was the reason we sent you to Earth, you needed to know them in a manner that we cannot." Victor and I must have looked confused because he gave a heavy sigh. "Eat, once you have restored your energy, I will show you how to help them without draining yourself." I gave a squeal of delight and threw my arms around him, hugging him tight. He patted my head and then sent me off to eat the stew waiting for me.

Owen's POV

We had not been able to harvest very much before it was time to eat dinner. With so many people, we younger males sat in chairs on the front porch as we ate meals. It was still light out as we debated if we should continue to pick produce after dark. I glanced around the yard, unable to ignore the sense of pride that filled me as I took in the fruit of our hard labor. I frowned suddenly, blinking my eyes, trying to clear them only to see that they were still there. We all rose to our feet, watching the three intruders intently. Was Uncle wrong on the date and these three the first to arrive? Yet, they were Krinar, were they the ones stealing food?

The man stood about six foot seven and was muscular, like a jungle cat. Two teenagers, a girl, and a boy flanked him. The males were wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt, the girl wore a dress, and all three were shoeless. There was something familiar about the boy, but I could not place what it was. Both teenagers had hair that was different shades of blonde and reflected the light as if they were wearing metal strands in their hair. Like the other Krinar that I had seen, the three of them were very beautiful. I had just decided that the girl must still be a child since she was so small when they raised their hands and their eyes began to burn with fire. The earth began to cover their feet as if they were becoming plants to be nourished. Roots snaked up from the ground and began harvesting the crops, tree branches began to pluck fruit from their neighbors, berries wriggled off their stems, and vines twined themselves around each other to shed their fruit. Root vegetables tunneled up from below, corn ears shucked themselves from their stalks, and garden greens flew into the air and fluttered down like butterflies. It continued until all was placed under the large tour bus; safely harvested and well crated. I was unaware of when the others had joined us or when my arm started to go numb. I only became aware of the others when Sean let out a painful yelp and rapid Japanese filled the air. I turned to find him sucking on his wrist like a little kid and his mother lecturing him as she rubbed my arm to return the circulation. I turned back to the strangers to find Uncle talking to them while Charlie and Dr. Roberts kept everyone back. The teenage boy was watching us, almost with longing. The girl went to him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and spoke to him. He responded although I did not understand their words. His arms slid around her in a possessive manner and he kissed her as if declaring his ownership to us. Uncle said something to them, the girl giggled and the boy smirked. It was as if Uncle Taylor knew them personally. How was that possible? They were Krinar, when did Uncle have a chance to meet aliens?

Uncle's POV

I watched as they faded from sight, still marveling over the fact that I had just spoken with a man who was over ten million years old. That the oldest man living on Krinar and leader of their Elders had come to help a group of humans he had not met before. Yes, it had been for his daughter and her bond mate, but he had still helped us when he did not have to. I shook off my wonder and turned back to my friends, we still had a lot to do. "Alright, while the harvesting might have been done for us, we still need to pack up our personal belongings. We leave at dawn; what isn't on the bus will be left behind, start packing. "

I watched as everyone rushed to collect their belongings, talking excitedly as they went. North, my mule-headed nephew went to look at the bus, a fierce frown etching his brow. "North," I bellowed, "you can check it out tomorrow. You need to pack and help everyone load up." I watched as he stomped towards his trailer, shaking my head in amusement. One of these days, he will learn. I knew why he was interested; it was one of those Party Tour buses for a hundred people. College fraternities usually rented them for trips and away games.

We left right on schedule, everyone pretty much chose a seat and went back to sleep. I drove the first two hours, and then North drove the next four, followed by Owen, Marc, Brandon, and Axel. I would take over at the end because the doors would only open for the bus if I were driving the bus, something to do with the key little bird gave me. Her father, who had worked for the government, had built the place we were going. It had nothing to do with the Krinar, but it was to remain a secret. Victor had written prepper in the flour. I knew what a prepper was and what they collected; we would have everything we would need for years if need be.

North's POV

I had to admit that this bus was a hell of a lot more comfortable to travel in than if we had to pile into a multi number of vehicles. Then there would have been the food we carried in the truck beds and our clothing, we would have stuck out like a sore thumb. I am f*cking sure we would have been ambushed somewhere along the way while we got gas or parked for the night. The bus was a good cover; large groups of people were renting them to travel to places like Iowa, Ohio, Michigan and other farming states. No one tried to stop them, too many people to house and feed. Nor could they kill them all before being overwhelmed and die themselves.

How the f*ck did uncle meet the Krinar? There is no way in hell the aliens had shown up at his diner, not with all the meat on his menu. Yet he acted as if he knew the two younger ones, the kids. That was something else I didn't understand, no one has made any mention of the Krinar having children with them. They had a planet full of people who hated them, I sure the f*ck hoped they did not bring children and place them in danger.

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