Chapter Twenty-Six

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Nathan's POV

I know that I disappointed the others, but I could not pass this chance up. They liked to say we were a family, but they often forgot me when they returned to their own homes each night. Yes, Gabe has been living with me, but that was because no one else had room for him. He was not happy at my house; it was too far from the stores and city life. Ideally for him would have been Victor's house, but that had not been an option for several years. He was a great person, but he never stayed still for longer than a minute. He was one of those people who always had to be doing something; I felt that I was rooming with the energizer bunny and his off switch was broken.

My reasoning for joining the Krinar was mainly the same reason I had for when I joined the Academy; I wanted to be a part of something good. Even if the Academy were still open, I would have left to join Victor. The possibilities were endless and I wanted to help shape the future. It bothered me, the fact that the elders had rushed to throw him out once they learned that he was a Krinar by birth, ignoring the six years he had served with no problems. I think the final straw had been when they wanted to kidnap him and the girl, to use them against the Krinar. I was not stupid, I know neither one of them would have survived for long in their care. The one thing I have learned from all the horror shows I have watched over the years and in life is that we humans are the most vicious and deadly monsters on this planet. Now there is a predator stronger then we are and they will defend themselves, so we would be smart to become friends with them and not become their enemy.

Korum's POV

I pinched the bridge of my nose, my frustration level climbing by the minute. "Why didn't you tell me that your mother had a heart problem?"

"It wouldn't have been a problem if you had given her the nanocytes on Krina," Mia snapped.

"A heart problem doesn't just suddenly appear, it takes years in the making and it is obvious that it is not a surprise to any of you." I sent a text to Ellet and Sang, asking them to come right away. "Your mother has artificial valves and a pace maker, the nanocytes cannot fix something that isn't there. If you had bothered to tell me, I could have had Ellet examine her and repair some of the damage. Now it may be too late."

"Enough Mia, he is right." Dan Stalis chided his youngest daughter. "We should have told him, we listened to you and your mother instead. Both of you knew the chance she would be taking and ignored it. Do not blame Korum now for your foolishness. Your mother allowed vanity to rule her and you encouraged it."

"How soon before Ellet arrives," asked Marisa as she held on to Connor.

"She said give her an hour," I replied. "Sang was working on something in her lab, so they were able to leave right away."

"Why Sang," Connor was truly curious.

"She was working on cloning human organs with Sheura and Olari; she has continued her testing since her return to Earth and has been running some of her experiments in Ellet's lab."

"Who exactly is Sang?" Marisa asked.

"She is Lahur and Sheura's daughter, she was raised on Earth so that she would understand humans and act as a peacemaker between the two races. Victor, her bond mate, grew up as human, as well. The elders, Lodan and Olari are his parents."

"So Ella and Mia have been really stupid for treating her so poorly," Connor gave his sister-in-law a chiding look. "She is not the abandoned Charl they thought her."

"Even if she had been, it would not excuse them for treating her with anything other than total respect." I stare sternly at my wife. "Since it was Sang who convinced the elders in to letting you all have the nanocytes, I would hope my wife and her mother wouldn't be so misguided. Something given freely can be just as easily taken back."

"Victor, her mate; he looks familiar." Dan looked thoughtful as he tried to puzzle it out.

"Victor Morgan, child prodigy, has performed publicly since age six. He has recorded several albums and has performed at the White House and before royalty." I reel off without stopping to think it over. "Lived in Charleston, South Carolina until the Krinar arrived and has been at Sang's side ever since."

"Isn't that the pianist that your parents took you to see perform in Palm Beach?" Connor asked his wife. "The one Mia mooned over for months afterwards, going as far as to practice writing her name as Mia Morgan?"

"God yes, I think she has every album he has ever made." Marisa ignored her younger sister's evil glare. "She attended his last concert in Naples and was upset because she didn't get to meet him, there was also something about him having some gold digger on his arm and the bodyguards weren't letting anyone near him."

"I was at the concert," I smirked. "I can attest to the fact that Sang did not look like a gold digger, she was well dressed for a fifteen year-old girl. As for the concert, he performed excellently. His interpretation of Cadence Sorenson's compositions was perfect. He had Sang near tears the entire time; his tribute to her late mother was so heartwarming."

"I have a recording of it," Dan nodded. "Cadence Sorenson was a brilliant pianist and composer, a true musical genius."

"I'm not familiar with her work," Mia realized they had only been teasing her. Trying to keep her father distracted while they waited for news on her mother's condition.

"She is the one who makes it sound like you are in the middle of nature when she plays; birds singing, the wind blowing and the waves crashing."

"My favorite is the thunderstorm," Marisa shared with them.

"I have always loved 'My Child', she wrote it for her daughter and it captures the innocence of a child in a wonderful manner."

Ellet and Sang arrived a half hour later, a human male with them. "We will tell you everything after we have examined her." Ellet informed us as they walked past.

Ellet's POV

"She has had a myocardial rupture, type three, meaning her body was forming an aneurysm and it ruptured. It did not happen today, the event took place when she returned home from Krina. If she had come to us earlier, we could have done something. By ignoring it and with the damage that her heart had already undergone, I am sorry; she was dead before we arrived."

"But, you can fix that right? You're a specialist in humans, you fixed my dad's migraines and my sister's nausea, and you can make her a new heart and bring her back to life." Mia's tone was desperate as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I am sorry; there is nothing I can do." I felt badly for her and her family, but I could not bring the dead to life nor did I want to. Ignoring one's health seemed to be common among humans. They did not seem to realize how fragile their bodies were and how easily they could lose their life. "Dan, Marisa, please come with me. We wish to examine you to avoid anymore tragedy."

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