Chapter Sixteen

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Uncle's POV

Watching the boys' faces was entertaining; you could see their minds working hard on something. Some were easy to read, while others I could only guess at their thoughts. North and Luke were easy, they knew more than the others did and why it would remain between the three of us, even when it meant keeping it from their team. Owen was in his mother hen mode; Sean needed to be strapped to his bed so he would get some sleep for once. Gabriel had visions of long shopping expeditions and marathon hair repair. Nate, I could only guess at, but I bet it had to do with some of those movies he watched. Silas always kept his thoughts to himself and Kota; he was the one I was concerned with; as team lead, he did not like to be in the dark. He was a deep thinker, smart as hell and you never knew which way he would go until he was ready. Now Victor, I would not attempt to guess. He had changed a lot in the past two years. The other boys were going to find that he would not be the same push over he was before. He still had his kind heart and his gentleness, but that gentleness now belonged to Little Bird. Lord help Gabe if he acted the diva with Sang, Victor would tear him apart. It was woven into Victor's very DNA to protect his bond mate and it could mean from something as simple as a verbal insult.

While it had not been determined what sort of bond the two shared, the Krinar would not allow anyone to separate them with the distress it causes. I was not sure how the boys would feel about Victor putting a girl first, none of them have ever done it before. Victor would live mainly at one of the Krinar compounds with Sang. They were children to the Krinar and would not be able to roam freely, meaning no more Academy for him. His membership was canceled anyways, as an alien; he was no longer acceptable. I worried about what it would do to the boys; five of them have been close friends since they started school. This was not going to be a little bump in the road, more like a large sinkhole that would keep growing and growing.

Sang's POV

Victor had talked often about his friends; I could name each one and tell something about them without an introduction to them. The oldest one with the short brown hair, glasses, and wearing a suit, he was Mr. Blackbourne. While his first name was Owen, he did not allow the boys to call him by it though. He considered himself the head of their family and of their team. His mottos were 'Family is a choice' and 'Family First.' As an adopted child, I understood the 'Family is a choice,' my parents chose me to be their daughter over a million other kids. I was having trouble understanding how it worked for them. Most had living parents or a legal guardian and some even had siblings. Did they just disown them; say I want a new family?

The next oldest was Dr. Sean Green, he was the one who angered Victor and Alir by trying to approach me. His eyelids were droopy and he had dark rings under his eyes, he was not getting enough sleep. He was very nice looking with his blond curls and green eyes, but he looked haggard and I wondered if he knew that the lack of care for himself was making him look older. If he continued on this path, he would soon be a patient in his own hospital. 'Doctor heal thy self," or something like that. He was the second in command, Owen's best friend and a flirt.

Dakota Jamison Lee was the oldest of the seven younger boys and Team Lead, whatever that was. Victor's explanation made him sound more like a drill sergeant. He was third in command, lived with his mother and little sister, had a dog named Max and was really into physics. His birthday was the beginning of January, a few weeks before Victors. He also lived in the house kitty corner from the one I had been staying at when the Krinar found me. He had brown hair, green eyes and wore glasses; he was tall and lanky. He preferred that people call him Kota.

Lucian 'Luke' Taylor, Uncle's oldest nephew and was raised by him since birth. Long blond hair, chocolate eyes, addicted to sugar, master prankster, and thief extraordinaire. He was a daydreamer, had an easygoing nature and loved to rile his younger brother. He was light on his feet and quick with his hands. He would have the hardest time converting to the new diet since he was not a fan of vegetables in any form. He was one of the smaller boys of the group, slender in build. He came after Victor in age and birthdays.

Silas Korba had come from Greece; he was the tallest and most muscular. He did not talk much, his loyalty was unquestionable and had a gentle nature. He came to the states with his father and older brother. He wanted to be a marine biologist; he helped his dad with his plumbing business and worked part time at Uncle's diner. He sounded like superman to me. 'Mild manner Silas Korba works at the Charleston Planet, turning into Superman when needed to save the innocent from the criminals of the city.'

North Taylor, he is Uncle's youngest nephew and Luke's stepbrother. (Their family connection really was confusing for me; Victor gave up trying to explain it.) While Luke was blond and pale skinned, North was the exact opposite. He was the second tallest in the group, tended to scowl and had a temper. If you were in trouble, he was the first one there to help you. He had a magic touch with any motor vehicle, made them purr like kittens. He was a firm believer in healthy eating, hounded his brother about eating too much sugar, and was the closest to Silas.

Nathan Griffin was the next to the youngest. He was really into Judo, had reddish brown hair and blue eyes. He lived down the street from Kota; his birthday was the day before mine and he had a thing for scary movies. He was a mixer, could fit in almost anywhere. He lived by himself, both parents left separately, had been friends with Kota since birth, and kept his thoughts to himself.

Gabriel Coleman was the youngest and most emotional. He was very artistic, everything from drawing to singing. He was currently the smallest, was very vocal and lived to shop. He had an opinion about everything to do with fashion, he did not hesitate to voice it and his friends had learned to give in so he would stop hounding them. He had excellent taste in clothes, but often expensive. He had a unique style all his own and walked to his own beat, refusing to let others make choices for him. He also had a potty mouth, and could make a sailor blush once he got going.

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