Chapter 22

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The holidays were enjoyable for sure. I loved having both my family & Nick's family here with us & we all get along so well & have so much fun, it warmed my heart that our twins would get to be with both families often. I was so happy over the holidays, that I seriously had cheek aches from all the smiling I did.

The week between Christmas & New Year's, Blanda & Joe invited Nick & I over for dinner one night. Blanda said Joe was cooking, so I was thrilled. I was excited to see my nephew Joel, who was starting to look more & more like Joe each time I saw him. In my head, I imagined my baby could look like him. Joe & Nick often resembled each other enough, especially in baby photos. The only difference really was the hair. Nick's was always lighter & usually more curly & as a baby he was pretty bald for a while.

While we were all sitting down eating dinner, Blanda brought up the baby shower. "I have a suggestion on your shower." She was looking at me.

"Okay, what's that?"

"You have a lot of guy friends, so I think we should do a big coed baby shower & not do all the dumb games." Blanda let out a chuckle.

I stuck out my lip. "I like the dumb games."

"I'm sure there are a few games we could do with guys, too, right?" Nick said, rubbing my back.

Blanda nodded. "Oh yea, I have been researching & there are a few ideas for games & then we could have the guys like go outside to play while the girls do a few games if you want." Blanda smiled at Joe & Nick.

"I think it will be fun." Joe piped in.

"I'll come over tomorrow & we can work on your guest list & have Marissa come over so she can help. We'll figure out all the details. I was looking at a calendar & since you could have those babies at any time, I think we should do Feb. 3. It's a Sunday." Blanda had her phone out & was checking the calendar.

I pulled out my phone & checked. "That date works. What about you, babe?" I turned to Nick.

"Works for me. I have nothing going on until the summer. I took time off, remember?" He smiled at me.

I leaned in to kiss him. "Yes, I do remember. I am so appreciative, too." Nick had decided he wasn't doing any work until well after the babies were born. We had enough to do as it was getting everything ready & then planning a move in the summer. He would still work on writing with his brothers, because they were considering reuniting & putting an album out in 2020.

After dinner, the four of us played some games & had a blast. I never laughed so hard in my life. I thought I'd go into labor at one point. Toward the end of our game playing, I realized my headache was getting worse. I had woke up with it that day, but I figured it would go away eventually. I had a lot of headaches since I got pregnant. I told Nick we should go & he got up to get my shoes. I had been ordered by the doctor at the last appointment to stay off my feet as much as possible. Carrying twins was heavier on the uterus & could confuse the uterus into thinking I was ready for labor.

I saw Nick coming toward me, talking to Joe, so I stood up. The moment I was upright, my head felt heavy, my eyes became blurry & I felt like the room was spinning. I don't even remember how it happened, but somehow I fell over & landed on the edge of the couch. I heard Nick scream my name as my ass slid off the couch to hit the floor in a thud.

"Demi! Demi!" Nick was beside me & his arms were lifting me to sit on the couch. His face was in mine & his eyes were darting all over to see if I was hurt. Joe & Blanda were nearby, looking worried.

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