Chapter 15

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Twins. I was seriously freaking out when I heard that word. I didn't let Demi know how bad I was freaking out. I was scared to be a first time dad & then to find out I was going to be a first time dad to two babies at once totally sent me into a freak out. I'd have several months to get used to it. Right? Jesus, now we'd have to buy two of everything. We'd also have twice the amount of dirty diapers & even less sleep than if there was only one baby. How the hell were we going to take care of two babies? One of us would always have a baby in our arms. I had to take lots of deep breaths when I thought of having two babies in our house, crying at the same time. 

Demi & I decided to wait a little while to tell anyone we were having twins. We wanted to have some time to get used to it, ourselves, plus we wanted to get all the facts about it. We knew there would be tons of questions, so we had to be prepared with the answers.

Two weeks after our first appointment, we had our next ultrasound. It was amazing seeing our babies on the screen, hearts beating. Demi & I both got a little emotional when we saw their little heartbeats in two separate sacs. The doctor said our twins were DCDA & had to explain to us that it meant there were two separate eggs that were fertilized, as he originally guessed. It meant the babies each had their own placenta & would most likely be fraternal, but identical has happened before. It also meant they weren't as at high of a risk as far as twin births go. That was a relief.

Demi & I went to dinner that evening to celebrate. "They want me to present at the American Music Awards." Demi said, while we were waiting for our food. 

"But not perform?" I asked.

"They want me to perform, too." She leaned on her arms as she crossed them in front of her.

"You told them no, right?"

Demi rolled her eyes & sighed as if she were mad. "Nick, it would be one fucking song."

I leaned closer to her as I leaned on my arms, too. "You're about to be a mom." I mumbled. "Maybe you could try not to use that word."

She sat up straight, pursing her lips. She took a drink of her water as she watched me. "I will try." 


"I was thinking maybe I could pull a Beyonce & show off my bump at the AMA's while I perform." Demi watched me closely.

I took a deep breath as my eyes scanned the room. It was a dark corner we were sitting in & the booth was private, so I was sure no one could hear us. No one seemed to even care who we were. I licked my lips, then watched Demi for a moment. She looked like a scared little girl asking permission to do something. I looked down at the table. "One song?" I asked.

I looked up to see Demi nod. Her smile was enormous. "Just one song & it will be totally low key. I was thinking I'd do a medley. End the medley with 'Made in the USA' & show off my belly since... well, they were made in the USA."

I busted out laughing. "That would be cute. We'd be the talk of the internet the next day."

She reached for my hand. "Oh yes, we would."

"I need to be on stage with you."

"I want you there, so of course. You'll be my guitarist." Her huge smile made me laugh.

"Okay, we'll do the American Music Awards." I sighed, as if defeated.

Demi squealed & threw her arms around me, drawing a lot of attention to us. I laughed & hugged her back. "Thank you." Demi said in my ear.

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