Chapter 18

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After we got some sleep, finally, after our huge disagreement, we both woke up hungry. Nick checked his sugar, while I went through the kitchen to see what we could eat. My dinner from the night before was still in the same place it was the night before. I was cleaning up when Nick came into the kitchen. It was nearly 8 at night. We had slept awhile & I feared we wouldn't be able to sleep at our normal bedtime. 

"So, what did you find us to eat?" Nick asked, coming up behind me as I was rinsing off the dishes from the night before. He kissed my shoulder, then nuzzled my ear. "Or should I order some Chinese?" He murmured into my ear. 

I sighed. "Yea, let's just order take out. I forgot this mess was still in the kitchen." 

Nick looked around. "Oh, yea. You made dinner last night." He kissed my cheek, then put his forehead to my temple. "I'm sorry I ruined it." 

I turned to face him. "It wasn't anything special. I was just trying to be a good wife & make my man dinner."  

"You're an amazing wife." He kissed my lips, softly, at first, then got a little more aggressive when I wrapped my arms around him & played in his hair. He was such a sucker when I ran my fingers through his hair. His head was definitely an erogenous zone. If I tugged on his hair, nibbled on an earlobe, sucked on his lip or touched his face lightly with my fingers, it got him going & it was difficult to stop.  

I pulled my lips from his. "We need to order our food, Love. I'm starving so I know you have to be hungry. We both skipped dinner last night & slept through lunch."  

Nick's eyes were on my lips. "Okay, but don't let me forget where we were." He went to get the take out menus & I went to the living room to set up our picnic. It was the only way I liked to eat take out Chinese food with Nick. On blankets in front of the fireplace was our spot. It always warmed my heart because it brought back so many memories. Not only was our first kiss, on a blanket, on the floor, as we ate Chinese food, but the moment we acknowledged our feelings for each other, for the first time, out loud, also happened the same way. As I laid the blankets on the floor, I felt myself getting extremely horny. I could hear Nick's low, sexy voice in the other room as he ordered our food. I needed him now. 

I found Nick in the hallway near our front door. We had a table in there that we kept all of our take out menus in. He was hitting end on his phone, looking down at the menu he must have just ordered from. As I walked to him, I pulled my shirt off over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra since we had been in bed earlier. I stopped when I got close enough to him. 

Without looking up, Nick said. "I got you the lemon chicken & an egg roll. Hope that's o..." He looked up as he sat his phone down. His eyes were wide as he watched me slip my yoga pants down my legs, trying to look as sexy as I could & not fall over. "Uh, what are you doing?" He asked, as a smile played on his lips. 

"Take out makes me horny." I said, kicking my pants away from me & walking toward him. I was so glad he hadn't put a shirt on. 

"But it's not here yet." 

"Just remembering all the good memories I have that consist of a living room picnic & take out food...." I ran my nails up his chest, then touched his chin. "And coincidentally they all include you." I breathed on to his mouth before I put my fingers into the waistband of his shorts & pulled them down, me going down with them. When I put his manhood in my mouth, he reached out to hold on to the wall, with one hand, as his other hand held my head. I sucked for a while, before he couldn't take it anymore & pulled me up to him. He picked me up & I wrapped my arms & legs around him. He carried me a few feet to sit me on the steps, where he pushed himself into me. He made love to me, gently, on the steps & the buzzer rang about ten minutes after we finished. Nick jumped up to let the gate open after he checked the little camera on the wall. 

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