Hallucinations and Swollen Cheeks

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(I'm not sure if the bad news has spread to you all yet but as of today Josh Balz has left MIW. Alternative press covered it and Chris released a statement about it. It's sad I know we gotta love Daddy Joshy so I've decided to make more of a fluffy cute update. Also I'd like to make Josh leaving cannon in my story so any ideas on how to make it dramatic?)

~After Surgery At The Bus~

I carried Devin up on my back as I tried to open the door to the bus, luckily Ryan came to my rescue opening the door for me. He smiled pitifully at me and whispered. "How'd it go?"

"You don't have to whisper he's beyond drugged at this point and better than I thought. I only got kicked in the jaw once while putting him in the chair." Ryan snorted in a laugh and stood to the side to let me in. I laid Devin on the couch and waved Ryan back over. "Although I need your help doing something that's a bit gross." Ryan cocked an eyebrow and stood beside me as I looked down at Devin. "So Devin has to have cotton balls over top of where they removed his wisdom teeth because the bleeding will continue through the stitching and Devin won't do it himself." Ryan sighed and glared at me. 

"You can't convince him to do it himself?" 

"I haven't tried yet and I don't want to, do you want to deal with bloody cotton balls or a Devin style tantrum?" Ryan didn't waste a moment to reply.

"Yeah so I'll hold his mouth open and you fish out the bloody fuzz." I nodded and gingerly picked out the blood and saliva saturated cotton balls. I quickly tossed them and reached into the bag the dentist gave us. I took out four more cotton balls and pressed them down were the blood was seeping out in his gums. Ryan took his hands away and Devin's mouth half closed. His cheeks were swollen enough from today's ordeals and now the new cotton balls made him look like a little chipmunk. "You have to admit he's adorable even when he's drugged and swollen. "

"Yeah, he's just cute enough to be as naughty as he is." Before I could say anything in return Devin began to groan, opening one of his eyes. His other eye opened and I think he tried to talk. "Ah-iiiie-" Devin noticed his verbal restrictions and tried to get what was blocking his jaw out. 

"No, no, no, no honey don't you gotta keep those there." I said, shooing his hands away. Devin whimpered and squished his cheeks sadly. He started to cry for no viable reason and held out his arms. Assuming he wanted to be held I picked him up and hitched him on my hip. "Hey, hey you're okay peanut. C'mon you're fine, Daddy's right here don't cry." I swayed and bounced Devin lightly trying to calm him down. Devin's cries were reduced to minor whines and the occasional hiccup. Devin laced his fingers into my hair and tugged, making me wince. He giggled mindlessly now, he let go of me hair and let his upper body loll backwards. I caught him and chuckled at his nonsense. Drugged Devin was even cuter than usual, it turned me on a little. Sadly nobody will be playing with Devin until he's healed up and entirely lucid. Devin continued on with his amused mewling as began patting at my upper arms. I shook my head saying. "You're such a silly little boy, and I think it's time for silly boys to take a nap." Devin snickered and nodded happily as he began to swing his legs. I'm fairly sure he didn't get a word I said but I think a nap would be good for him. And me actually, I've been up since 7:00 rangaling a pissed off and now drugged Devin. I carried my humming boy back to the bunks and plopped him down on mine. I crawled in next to him and just as I tried to close my eyes Devin began to messily tickle me. He squealed happily and climbed up on top of me. "Ickel aaahiie! Ickel aaaahie!" I made the assumption that his garbled talk meant tickle Daddy but I can't prove it. I rolled my eyes and let him 'tickle' me for a moment before reaching my own hands up and running my hands up and down his ribs making him cheap and yowl in delight. He flopped back next to me. He went on peeping and yelping until he suddenly pushed my hands away and tuned on his side. Confused I went to see what I did wrong until Devin began to snore. This is going to be a fucking rollercoaster...

(So, again Josh left, read the description above for more info. How do you guys want me to play that. Do we want drama sadness fluff? How do we want this?)

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