Big Brother & Bubby

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(Ghost's P.O.V)
I sat in my bunk with Ricky who refused to stop pouting. He whined into my shirt, letting a few tears fall every now and again. "Ghost can't you make Daddy understand?" 
"Already tried Ricky, Vinny is staying and there's nothing we can do about it. Remember the deal though, we can be naughty after we're polite to Vinny." I smiled but Ricky just continued to mope and pout. I guess I could understand that the deal wasn't as important to him, he rarely got in trouble; the cute little bastard. I leaned back against the wall of my bunk and cuddled my baby brother. I can get a little jealous of him sometimes but I love him so much, it's impossible not to though. He's such a loving thing. I do have to tell Chris his Raccoon is still upset though, I pried him from my chest and laid him in the bunk. He whined at me but I hushed him with a little Eskimo kiss. "I'm gonna go talk to Daddy Chris and Vinny. I'll make extra sure you get the attention and love you need. Okay?"

"Otai..." Ricky said quietly, laying back and shutting his eyes. I climbed out of my bunk and walked to the front of the bus and what I saw astonished and amazed me. Vinny had his cute little ass in Daddy Chris' lap, the ladder's hand was caressing little Vinny through his jeans. I cleared my throat loudly and caused the pair to jolt and look at me. I smirked and snit. "I suppose someone didn't have a problem with our lifestyle huh?" Vinny refused to meet my gaze as he looked down and blushed. Daddy Chris only chuckled as he replied. "Not at all, in fact my little Ghost you happen to have a new baby brother." New baby brother, ooh la la... I clapped my hands excitedly. 

"Maybe that might cheer your Raccoon up! He's all sad and mopey in my bunk, go fix him I wanna play wif' Vinny!" Ricky wanted his Daddy Chris, not me so if I occupy my new baby brother Ricky gets his attention fix. Plus, I get to play with the new baby! I love new babies! I ushered Chris out of the room and sat down next to Vinny. He looked a little afraid of me but I'm not having that, I wanna play. Now. "Hey look'it me, wan' cuddle some more?" He looked up at me shyly but let a little smile play on his lips. He nodded at me and I didn't wait another moment to bunch him in my arms. I laid back on the couch with him leaning into me, he snuggled into my chest and fit just perfectly in my arms. I kissed his head and hummed little nothing songs to him. He chuckled into my shirt and mumbled something I couldn't quite understand. I ran my fingers under his chin and tilted his head up. "Say again bubby, couldn't hear you." He smiled a big toothy grin and said.

"Chri- Err Daddy said you might not be too nice to me, but you're real nice and stuff." 

"Mmm, I can see me being meany buuuut Daddy forgot to mention I love babies; and you look lika good baby so I wuv you already!" Vinny looked so happy for a moment but then looked concerned. "S'matter bubby?" 

"What 'bout Ricky, Chri- *Sigh* Daddy said he'd be upset." I shrugged and cooed back.

"Ricky just doesn't like having his attention taken away, new baby brother is a bit upsetting for him. He'll warm up I promise." Vinny still looked a little down but mumbled a quiet. 

"M'kay Ghost..." He rolled so his back was leaning against me, I could still see the very prevalent tent in his jeans. "Oh bubby... You should have told big brother you were still ready to play..." 

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