New Baby

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I climbed off the bus and headed toward the terminal in search of Vinny. I really hope Ghost is able to convince Ricky to go along with our little agreement. I was however more concerned with Vinny being cruel to my babies. Ricky was so sensitive and Ghost would never forgive me for hurting his baby brother. Ghost was a bit of a jerk to Ricky but he loved him all the same. Deep in thought I almost didn't notice a shy looking man standing a few feet from me looking confused and a little lost. It took me a second but I registered I had been staring blankly at our new possible drummer for some time. "Oh um, hello Vinny?" He smiled at me and approached.

"Hi Chris, you kinda looked zoned out there. You alright?"

"Uh yeah, I was just deep in thought. You have everything you need?" Vinny nodded. "Good, well follow me then and I'll show you the bus and all the assholes on it." I chuckled but I silently apologized to my babies. I led Vinny back to the bus and opened the door for him, he climbed inside and as I followed him I was almost surprised to see both Ghost and Ricky sitting politely on the couch. A good surprised, but surprised all the same. I cleared my throat and got the boys attention. "Uh Ghost, Ricky this is Vinny. Our new drummer, come say hello." Ghost got up with a smug little smile and extended his hand to Vinny. "Hey what's up, like Chris said I'm Ghost; the bass player." Ghost turned his head and seemed to give Ricky an encouraging stare. He sighed and stood up as well. "I'm Ricky, play guitar..." Ricky was obviously still upset and I'd deal with that later, Ghost however was holding up his end of the bargain well. "Thank you, you two. Now I have some paperwork for Vinny and I to go over so just head back to bunks or something." I rose an eyebrow at them and they knowingly left, aware that the 'paperwork' was the legal contract. I went into the kitchen area and pulled the slip of paper off the table and handed it to Vinny to sign. He looked it over and repeated a few lines from it. "Penalty to revealing sensitive information? What's that mean?"

"Well the band does have its secrets and we'd like to make sure they stay with us, and if they don't then there have to be reprimands presented." Though he still looked a bit confused he too the pen I handed to him and signed his name on the dotted line. I smiled, almost evilly and took the paper from him. "I didn't just join a cult did I?" He asked jokingly. 

"No, but you are apart of something else besides the band." I chuckled nervously as he inquired.

"What'dya mean?"

"Well you see Vinny, there are some people in the world that run incredibly stressful lives; this includes us. We tour often and for long periods of time and this causes some of the members to need a different form of relaxation, not exactly taboo but not really normal either." I looked at Vinny with a warm but crooked smile. He looked around nervously saying. "I'm not about to get raped am I? Cause' you're sounding kinda rapey..."

"You'd have to talk to Josh about the rapey side of this but never mind that. Ghost and Ricky lead interesting lifestyles, to help them de-stress and unwind. They're what someone would call littles, Ryan, Josh, and I are caregivers or if you'd prefer; Daddies." Vinny's eyes went wide as saucers.

"I'm sorry but uh, come again..." I sighed, this was so difficult to explain. Go ahead, try to put it into normal people words. It's hard! "Well um, to put it bluntly Ricky and Ghost act like children in their downtime and the rest of us tend to them and see to their little and their big needs. They mind us like parents and it's like a group relationship. And before you go running a screaming recall the contract you signed, say a word and we sue your ass." Vinny looked at me then the floor, he seemed to be going over his options. Or maybe just absorbing the allotment of information,either or. He looked back to me a cocked his head to the side. "Do they really like it? Is it, relaxing?" Huh, interesting response...

"They thoroughly enjoy it, and both of them seem to be dealing with their anxiety incredibly well now." Vinny took his bottom lip between his teeth and gnawed anxiously. 

"And,their the only um... Littles?" I cocked an eyebrow but nodded. What was he toying with in that head of his? As I stared at his scrunched up, confused face it hit me. "Vinny, do you wanna be our baby?"

Two Babies And Three Daddies{MIW Daddy kink}Where stories live. Discover now