Hairspray & Dirty Deals

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I watched as Ghost applied makeup for the day, he was always so careful about how he did it. He would space out and ignore even me while he did it, so we all ended up making a rule about bothering him while he got ready for a show or any other time he did his makeup. Nobody was to say anything or touch him. But we could watch from beginning to finish, it always would fascinate me how precise he was. His nimble little fingers and delicate brush strokes. It was like watching someone  paint themselves to life. I sighed to myself as I stood content, I perked up a bit when I noticed Ghost lean forward and stand on his tip toes. He was trying to reach something on the top shelf but his fingers could only just graze it. I heard him whine, and stamp his foot in frustration. I couldn't hold back a chuckle at his little fit. He turned around to look at me with the cutest pouty face. "Da~addy can you reach that can of hairspray for me?" He pointed up at a black can of his favorite hairspray, how it had gotten all the way up there I may never know. I smiled and nodded my head. I walked all the way into the bathroom with him and grabbed the can with ease. As he was reaching for it however I held it up above my head and waggled it in the air. "Daddy that's not nice..." He mumbled. I shrugged and replied. "I know, but if you want your hairspray you'll have to do something for it." Ghost crossed his arms and asked sharply. "Well, what is it?" I tapped my finger on his perfect little lips and said simply. "You have to do something for me during the show..." I waited for him to get his little impatient face on before continuing. "You, my little brat have to wear a vibrating cock ring. That is if you want your hairspray."I saw Ghost chew on his bottom lip in anger as he glared at me. I started to walk out of the room with his hairspray when he grumbled. "Fine... Just gimme my hairspray back." I turned around and tossed the can to him. 

"When you're done come to my bunk okay baby?" Ghost 'humphed' and turned around to finish up. Ghost was the biggest brat, but I loved watching him huff and fume sometimes. I went to my bunk and grabbed a little box I kept under it and rustled around in my favorite toys. Finally I found what I was looking for. The only thing I loved more than Ghost being a brat, was him pent up with pleasure. I heard little stomps behind me and turned to find a a little Ghost who refused to look at me. I tried to give him a kiss on the cheek but he dodged my lips. I clicked my tongue at him and said. "Now Ghost I think you're cute when you're a bit difficult but you don't get to be mean to me." Ghost shook his head and continued to look down. I clenched my jaw and grabbed him by his arm, I turned him around and gave him a quick little swat on his rear. He yelped and tried to pry himself out of my grasp. I pulled him against my chest but he continued to squirm as I locked my arms around him. "Ghost why're you being so fussy tonight? I've done this before, lots of times and you never threw this much of a fit." 

"Cause' you ask to do this, you don't make me..." I made a little 'O' face and crouched a bit to try and look him in the eye. "Oh Devin, I'm sorry... Daddy didn't mean to make you that mad." I could see Ghost fighting a smile but he lost and beamed at me. "Dat's awlright Daddy, I forgive you." I hugged my little Ghost tightly and whispered in his ear. "Well Ghost, will you wear the cock ring for your Daddy?" Ghost nodded happily and flopped back on my bunk. He lifted his waist so we could go through our little routine. We had done this many, many times before and we had this down to a science. I slipped his leggings down around his knees and spread his legs a little bit. I stroked him gently and slipped the cock ring down his length and onto his base. I slipped his leggings back up and kissed the bulge through his leggings. I helped him up and pecked his cheek. 

~During The Show~

I watched Ghost's face scrunch up in pained pleasure. God it turned me on so much to watch him try so hard to not show how aroused he was. Halfway through the show I watched him fall to his knees and miss a few notes. I could see tears running streaks down his powdered face. It took more than a little restraint not to ravish my pathetic little boy right then and there. Through the entire hour and a half I would keep an eye on Devin, watching his little movement and listen for his moans to echo through the microphone on the occasion. The crowd would go wild and assume it was part of the show but I knew the truth. My bratty boy was fighting his urges and he was losing...

~To Be Continued~

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