12th february 2016

12 1 0

Dear diary,
I CANT EVEN! 😂😂😂😂 my mum legitimately believes that I have Asperger's syndrome! 😂😂😂😂

I only just realised today when I managed to get myself into an hour long, one sided conversation (my mum lectured me for an hour) about my "friendship peers" !

Only around halfway through when she started "subtly" telling me how society works and how to act around people did I think; oh my god. She actually believes I have difficulties being around other people! She actually believes I have Asperger's syndrome!

At this point I couldn't help but laugh a little (I was rolling around on the floor with laughter in my head so I did good just laughing for a bit!). Just the idea of my mum trying to tell me how to be social when there's nothing wrong with who and what I am on my own was very difficult to grasp!

I don't have Asperger's syndrome btw, IT kinda sounds like that but I don't, I'm just an introvert. I prefer not to be in large crowds. I dislike having to follow these ridiculous "bestie squad" rules. And most importantly, I prefer to spend time in my own so I can do things like this, without the constant criticism from everyone around me! Everyone's always telling me shit like; do this! Be that! Change to fit my image!

I'm sick of it! But whatever, that doesn't automatically give me Asperger's syndrome.

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