Chapter 38

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"Go!" I instructed Faven and Mika.

Mika took off running, but Faven stayed behind.

"We will fight him together."

"I can't lose you," I begged.

"You won't," Faven smiled bleakly.

We ran down the steps of the security room in the grand hall. On one side stood Anakin. I could see the shining lights of Coruscant in the background dimmed by the immense darkness of the night.

"Anakin," I breathed.

"You escaped me once. You will not fool me twice, Padawan."

I was suddenly frightened. At that point I knew I was going to die and Faven along with me.

"Why are you doing this?" I sobbed.

"Why did you leave?" He retorted.

"I had to," I sighed.

"Just as I have to do this now," He retorted, stepping closer.

"You killed innocents!" I screamed in anguish.

Faven stood behind me motionless.

"Follow me, Andora, and I will spare you from the destiny that now awaits you," He offered me a hand.

We were about twenty feet apart. The only thing that separated us was cold, brittle air.

"She will never join you!" Faven yelled to him.

Anakin slowly rose his hand and Faven steadily rose from the ground. She was choking.

"No! Please! Anakin!" I screamed.

I grabbed for Faven, but she was already high in the air. When she reached half the height of the room, Anakin tossed her to the side, where she hit the wall and lay motionless.

I instinctively started for her, only to be stopped by the sound of Anakin's footsteps behind me.

"She's alive," He informed me.

"I know. I can feel her," I retorted.

"Join me," He said.


"Then it is true: your destiny awaits you."

With that, we both ignited our lightsabers. I ran at him with full speed, tears streaming down my eyes. I was torn between the light and the dark. Before me, the ceiling of the Temple broke apart and I saw the sky splitting and the sun and moon fighting for the dominance of the sky.

Our lightsabers crossed and I saw the sadness in him, the losses he has endured. I'm sure he saw the same in me as well. I fought with him for what seemed like ages.

"Anakin, stop!" I screamed.

"Stop fighting, Padawan. Your hour has come."

"No!" I screamed again, this time, sobbing.

He cut his blade from mine and started toward Faven, who was still motionless on the ground.

I ran for her, but it was as if I couldn't reach her. I saw her start to sit up. He was standing over her and she slowly reached for her lightsaber. She looked at me one last time with her soft eyes.

"I love you," she mouthed.

Before she could defend herself, Anakin struck her down with his saber.

Suddenly, the sky turned dark, as if the night had beaten the day, and the whole galaxy seemed to slow and become deadly still.

"No!" I screamed, falling to my knees and dropping my lightsaber.

Slowly, Anakin walked over to me.

"Bow to me and you will be spared," He ordered.

I was afraid of death. I was afraid to see the one I loved in the afterlife, knowing I did nothing to save her. My heart was breaking and my chest felt heavy. I put my hand to my chest, grasping for air, trying to find the oxygen I once took for granted. Choking on my sadness and grief, I met Anakin's eyes.

"I will," I said softly.

On one knee, I bowed my head and knelt before him. Darkness shrouded my eyes and my limbs fell numb. I was short of breath and my world was spinning endlessly. I crumbled to the ground, my body heavy with the enormous evil that slowly slaughtered the remaining light in my soul. He laughed coldly and my broken heart was consumed with the misery of death and the knowledge of defeat.

Padawan Gone ~ AU (2nd Installment of the Padawan Series)Where stories live. Discover now