Chapter 15

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"What's happening?" I shouted, holding on to the ladder next to me. Faven was bouncing all around the ship as it jolted. The ship was falling from Space, and we were going to die. What else is new?

            "We need to get to the cockpit!" She shouted back.

            The hallway to the cockpit was right behind her. The door was closed, but I steadied myself and used the Force to open it.

            "The cockpit is behind you! Push yourself into it!" I shouted. I looked out one of the Transport's windows. We had entered the atmosphere of a planet that I had never seen before. The ship was burning up and we were falling into the planet.

            "I—can't!" Faven said, struggling to stabilize herself.

            I took one hand off the ladder and focused on the Force. I sent her spiraling into the cockpit.

            "I can't stop it!" She shouted.

            "Strap yourself in!" I yelled. I tried to get to the cockpit to buckle myself in, but I couldn't make it. When I looked out of the windows of the cockpit through the door, I saw our ship coming closer to the ground.

            There was a loud noise and I blacked out. 

Padawan Gone ~ AU (2nd Installment of the Padawan Series)Where stories live. Discover now