Chapter 15

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"You wanted to talk." I said and the girl looked up at me. She stood up and walked closer to the metal bars. "I need to leave." She whispered and then rubbed the back of her neck. "Why?" She looked at me, fear in her eyes. "They don't like failures, if they find me, I'm dead, and honestly, I prefer to live." I looked at her confused. "Why did you fight then, if you knew the risks." She shrugged and sat down on the floor. "To be a part of the group,  I guess." She said, looking up at me. I raised my eyebrow at her statement, wondering how she even managed to stay alive during the attack. "Please just let me go." She begged. I shook my head and was walking away when she grabbed my arm. "They will murder us all, and leave no survivors." I pulled away from her as she backed away from the bars. I turned and saw the reason why. Vincent had walked into the room, his sharp gaze focused on the girl. "Did the bitch hurt you?" He growled, but I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, I can handle a scratch." I walked back upstairs and then up the stairs to our room. When he walked in I crossed my arms over my chest. "I said I would handle it." He growled and leaned against the wall. "She's a rogue, she could have hurt you." He said, trying to hide his frustration. "I was fine Vincent, but I guess you just couldn't resist." I hissed and walked towards the door. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "I won't lose you." He growled. "I need you to trust me, Vincent." I said, looking into his green eyes. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my face. "I do trust you, Lucy." He whispered against my skin. "I just can't afford to lose something as valuable as you." I smiled as he placed his forehead against mine. "Your lucky I don't hold grudges." I said, rolling my eyes. He smirked and picked my up, swinging me over his shoulder. "Vincent, put me down damn it." I said, beating against his back, even though it had no effect. He laid me on the bed and began kissing up and down my neck. I leaned my head to give him more room and moaned when he reached the mark on my neck. "I much." I said breathy and he smiled against my skin. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he moved his lips to mine, the kiss becoming deeper and deeper. Soon we had barely any clothing between us, and our bodies were fused together.

"I hate you, but damn." I said, looking up at the ceiling. "Really, you still hate me?" He said, turning towards me. I smiled. "I could never hate you, Vince." He began to kiss on my neck and I closed my eyes, leaning to give him more space. I felt more connected to Vincent, which was supposed to happen, and it felt amazing. I couldn't get rid of my teenage girl smile, but honestly, I didn't want to. "You know your gorgeous." He whispered against my skin and I blushed. He smiled and pulled me closer. I gave him a soft peck on the lips and he returned it with a more passionate one. We stayed next to each other, the entire day to ourselves, and just being close to Vincent after all the events from last week, felt comforting, felt safe. For once, I felt like I was where I truly belonged and to a rogue, that's the most amazing feeling in the world. "You'll make a great Luna." I smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Stop reading my thoughts, love." I said, moving closer to his chest. "Can't, your mind is so interesting." He smirked and pressed a kiss on my head. I giggled and cuddled up against him, listening to his breathing and soothing heartbeat.

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