Chapter 10

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The cold water washed away the dirt and blood that had marked my skin. We lost many people today, many that I didn't know and some I had seen only once. I closed my eyes, the cold water running down my back. There was screaming and people shoving others out of their way. All of a sudden, a house bursted into flames and people fell to the ground, their faces scorched. "Jade!!!!" My voice weak against the cries of children and women. I felt a hand touch my arm and I turned around to Jade, fear in her eyes and dirt smudged on her face. She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd. We ran and suddenly we tripped. A man laid dead in the path, his body bleeding from three bullet wounds. I stood up and was pushed against the wall by a woman. She looked at me, her eyes a blood red. "What a pretty little girl, what a shame it'll be to kill you!" She spat and pressed her nails to my temple. I cried out in pain at feeling the pressure in my head. Suddenly the woman fell, and Jade stood there holding a pipe. "Come on, run!" She took my hand and we ran out of the area and headed for the forest. The thorns and sticks scrapped against our bare legs, cutting our legs. When we reached safety, we turned around. The pack was burning, the red and orange flames engulfing the buildings and people.

I opened my eyes to find myself sitting on the shower floor, tears flowing down my face. I turned off the shower and stepped out, I put on the tank top and loose pants that I had grabbed before and then looked in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I almost lost him and his pack, I almost watched another pack burn. I opened the door to find Vincent sitting on the side of the bed, his head snapped up when I opened the door. I walked to him my eyes looking at the floor and collapsed in his arms. I placed my face in the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck. I was sitting on his legs, his arms wrapped around me tight, not letting me go. His head was laying on mine, his breath creeping down my neck to my back. My tears hit his shirt causing small wet marks on his back. "You're safe Lucy, no one can hurt you." He picked me up and moved inside the bed. He sat with his back hitting the headboard and one leg straight while the other was bent. My back was pressed against the bent one, my legs bent over his straight one. My hands gripped his shirt and my right cheek was pressed against his chest. "You think they'll come back?" I said softly and looked up at him, his green eyes looking down at me smiling. "If they do, I'll be right by your side." His arms tightened their grip on my side. "I thought I lost you Vincent." I ran my hand down his right cheek and pulled his head down. I planted a small kiss against his lips and felt his warm hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing the area under my eye. "You could never lose me love." He said as our lips pulled away. I smiled and leaned against his chest again. His heartbeat was calm and steady, his chest moved up and down with every breath. Exhaustion consumed me, my eyes barely open and soon they closed.

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