Daddy Nialler!

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Niall's P.O.V

I went to go get Brookelyn up and saw Lou holding her,she had tear stains on her cheeks and her head in Lou's lap, him laying back. I chuckled and walked over and took a picture. So I tweeted the picture and wrote "@Louis_Tomlinson Looks like someone is taking good care of my daughter" and pressed send and woke them up. "Kiiids!! time to get up!!!" I said and Brookelyn woke up first and blushed. "Awe come on. Sit on his stomach and wake him up." I said laughing as Louis woke up "Gah get off me!" he said. Brookelyn laughed and we went down staires and made breakfast and then i heard Lou "NIALL!" he screamed. "He saw my tweet." i said. "What did you do..." Brookelyn said and looked at her phone and I took it and made her name 'Brookelyn Horan <3' and gave it back. I chuckled as we set the table and we all ate. Today's gonna be great. "Brookelyn." I looked at her plate then mine, "First one to the sink gets Ten pounds." (Pounds are british money I'm gonna say dollars) "DEAL!" she screamed. I chuckled and got ready. "Ready. Set. GO!" Zayn screamed and we ran. DAMN "Pay up bitch." was all she said "You dont talk to your father like that." I said but laughed still. I gave her the money and she walked away and gave Zayn a high-five. I looked at them confused. "You just gave me money, I'm going out for a One Direction t-shirt." was all she said and ran up to me like a 4 year old "LETS GO!!!!" she whined. "Lou come with us. Boys stay here and do what ya want. I dont care, just dont trash the place!" i told then, they nodded "Mkaaaay dad!" Zayn said like a snotty high school girl. "Alright girls let go!" I said like a cheerleader. "Stop making fun of me!! Im a girl!!!!" Brookelyn said and I put her on lou's back and he didnt care. We got in the car and we got ready to leave "shit..." i said. "whats wrong Nialler?" lou asked me. "we go on tour soon. Brookelyn either stays with a friend, or comes with us." I said and her face lit up. "I.Wanna.COME!!!!!" she said I chuckled. "It's settled we'll pack when we get back. Lets go get you some 1D clothes. Hey maybe at the concert the boys will sign it" I said jokingly. "I have this one shirt i want, and its amazing its a black shirt, and it says something awesome on it!" was all she said.

{Time skip}

Louis' P.O.V

Her shirt says 'Warning may randomly start talking about Louis Tomlinson' I'm signing that... we got home ad she packed, I went up to help her and grabbed her shirt she just got "Hey!!!" she said "dont worry baby girl i'm not gonna hurt it." was all i said and signed the yellow word 'Louis' in my name. "Yay my favorite band member signed my shirt!" awe im her favorite. "well lets go show your dad, put this on" i threw her the shirt and went in the hall so she could change. "Ready" she walked out and i put her on my back. "WEE!" she screamed as I ran downstairs. Niall looked at me confused. "guess what" I said "What?" they said in union. "LouiBear is my favorite band member. BUT i love you all to!" she said with puppy eyes. "LouiBear huh?" i asked. She nodded like a happy 3 year old. "ok i get it! that's my nickname" I said kissing her forehead, I saw her blush so i decided to go something a little mean. "Oh my god you peasants NEED to go get me some ice cream like now!" I said sassily "oooh look its the sass masterSSSS from Doncaster" she said "Your from Doncaster???" I said in shock "Yeah born, raised and" She started crying and i grabbed her, "Awe babe no dont cry, you didnt need to talk about that part. Come on look at me." i wiped her tears and she started to calm down "I-im sorry." she told us and Zayn got next to me "Awe baby dont be sorry, its perfectly fine, you cant control people, because you cant control me doing this." He grabbed her and started tickling her "GAH ZAYN NO!!! I HATE BEING TICKLED!" she screamed, the hole fucking street probably heard. eh, we should get ready gotta leave tommorow

{A/N} HEY!!! i updated again. :P yay me bye

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